Volume 1,
Number 1,
March 2001
- Lillian N. Cassel, Edward A. Fox:
Editorial: introducing the ACM Journal on Resources in Computing.
1 BibTeX
- Rachelle S. Heller:
Greetings from the guest editor.
2 BibTeX
- Cora Burger, Kurt Rothermel:
A framework to support teaching in distributed systems.
3 BibTeX
- Abdulmotaleb El-Saddik, Stephan Fischer, Ralf Steinmetz:
Reusability and adaptability of interactive resources in Web-based educational systems.
4 BibTeX
- Stephan Fischer:
Course and exercise sequencing using metadata in adaptive hypermedia learning systems.
5 BibTeX
- Rachelle S. Heller, C. Dianne Martin, Nuzi Haneef, Sonja Gievska-Krliu:
Using a theoretical multimedia taxonomy framework.
6 BibTeX
- Torsten Leidig:
L3 - towards an open learning environment.
7 BibTeX
- Kurt Maly, Hussein M. Abdel-Wahab, J. Christian Wild, C. Michael Overstreet, Ajay K. Gupta, Ayman Adel Abdel Hamid, Sahar M. Ghanem, Agustin González, Xiaoqing Zhu:
IRI-h, a Java-based distance education system.
8 BibTeX
- Shervin Shirmohammadi, Abdulmotaleb El-Saddik, Nicolas D. Georganas, Ralf Steinmetz:
Web-based multimedia tools for sharing educational resources.
9 BibTeX
Volume 1,
Number 2,
Summer 2001
Volume 1,
Number 3,
Fall 2001
- Computing curricula 2001.
Volume 1,
Number 4,
December 2001
- William Yurcik:
1-3 BibTeX
- Rick Decker, Stuart Hirshfield:
The PIPPIN machine: simulations of language processing.
4-17 BibTeX
- Filippo Menczer, Alberto Maria Segre:
OAMulator: a teaching resource to introduce computer architecture concepts.
18-30 BibTeX
- Grant Braught, David W. Reed:
The knob & switch computer: A computer architecture simulator for introductory computer science.
31-45 BibTeX
- Dale Skrien:
CPU Sim 3.1: A tool for simulating computer architectures for computer organization classes.
46-59 BibTeX
- Cecile Yehezkel, William Yurcik, Murray Pearson, Dean Armstrong:
Three simulator tools for teaching computer architecture: Little Man computer, and RTLSim.
60-80 BibTeX
- Hugh Osborne:
The Postroom Computer.
81-110 BibTeX
- Gabriel A. Wainer, Sergio Daicz, Luis F. De Simoni, Demian Wassermann:
Using the Alfa-1 simulated processor for educational purposes.
111-151 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:09:16 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)