
Ajay K. Gupta

Old Dominion University

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9 Kurt Maly, Hussein M. Abdel-Wahab, J. Christian Wild, C. Michael Overstreet, Ajay K. Gupta, Ayman Adel Abdel Hamid, Sahar M. Ghanem, Agustin González, Xiaoqing Zhu: IRI-h, a Java-based distance education system. ACM Journal of Educational Resources in Computing 1(1): 8 (2001)
8 Kurt Maly, Ajay K. Gupta, Satish Mynam: BTU: A Host Communication Benchmark. IEEE Computer 31(5): 66-74 (1998)
7 Kurt Maly, Hussein M. Abdel-Wahab, Ravi Mukkamala, Ajay K. Gupta, Mohamed Kholief, S. Dittakavi, C. S. Vemuru, H. Syed: CoProcess: A Java-based Environment for Collaborative Process Management Over the Web. WebNet 1997
6 Kurt Maly, Hussein M. Abdel-Wahab, C. Michael Overstreet, J. Christian Wild, Ajay K. Gupta, Alaa Youssef, Emilia Stoica, Ehab S. Al-Shaer: Interactive Distance Learning over Intranets. IEEE Internet Computing 1(1): 60-71 (1997)
5 Kurt Maly, Ajay K. Gupta, Irwin B. Levinstein, Ravi Mukkamala, Bjorn Kvande, S. Nanjangud, Margrethe H. Olson, Roy Whitney, Rita Chambers: PMES: privilege mangagement and enforcement system for secure distributed resource sharing. IFIP World Conference on IT Tools 1996: 348-358
4EEKurt Maly, Ajay K. Gupta, Bjorn Kvande, Irwin B. Levinstein, Ravi Mukkamala, S. Nanjangud, Margrethe H. Olson, Roy Whitney, Rita Chambers: A privilege management and enforcement system for distributed resource sharing. WETICE 1996: 106-111
3EEHussein M. Abdel-Wahab, Kurt Maly, Alaa Youssef, Emilia Stoica, C. Michael Overstreet, J. Christian Wild, Ajay K. Gupta: The software architecture and interprocess communications of IRI: an Internet-based interactive distance learning system. WETICE 1996: 4-9
2 Kurt Maly, C. Michael Overstreet, Hussein M. Abdel-Wahab, Ajay K. Gupta, Muthu Kumar, Rahul Srivastava: Performance trade-offs for a multimedia distributed application. HPN 1995: 181-192
1EEKurt Maly, Hussein M. Abdel-Wahab, Ravi Mukkamala, Ajay K. Gupta, A. Prabhu, H. Syed, C. S. Vemuru: Mosaic + XTV = CoReview. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 27(6): 849-860 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Hussein M. Abdel-Wahab [1] [2] [3] [6] [7] [9]
2Ehab Al-Shaer (Ehab S. Al-Shaer) [6]
3Rita Chambers [4] [5]
4S. Dittakavi [7]
5Sahar M. Ghanem [9]
6Agustin González [9]
7Ayman Adel Abdel Hamid [9]
8Mohamed Kholief [7]
9Muthu Kumar [2]
10Bjorn Kvande [4] [5]
11Irwin B. Levinstein [4] [5]
12Kurt Maly [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
13Ravi Mukkamala [1] [4] [5] [7]
14Satish Mynam [8]
15S. Nanjangud [4] [5]
16Margrethe H. Olson [4] [5]
17C. Michael Overstreet [2] [3] [6] [9]
18A. Prabhu [1]
19Rahul Srivastava [2]
20Emilia Stoica [3] [6]
21H. Syed [1] [7]
22C. S. Vemuru [1] [7]
23Roy Whitney [4] [5]
24J. Christian Wild [3] [6] [9]
25Alaa Youssef [3] [6]
26Xiaoqing Zhu [9]

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