
Su-Shing Chen

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39EEHyeoncheol Kim, Yiying Zhang, Yong-Seok Heo, Heung-Bum Oh, Su-Shing Chen: Specificity rule discovery in HIV-1 protease cleavage site analysis. Computational Biology and Chemistry 32(1): 72-79 (2008)
38EEVandana Gummuluru, Su-Shing Chen: An Intelligent System for Searching Genomic Sequences. BIBE 2007: 982-986
37EECarsten Ullrich, Ruimin Shen, Su-Shing Chen: Multimedia-Learning in a Life Science Workflow Environment. PCM 2007: 467-474
36EESu-Shing Chen: Fusion of Multimedia Information in Biomedicine. PCM 2007: 494-500
35EEHyeoncheol Kim, Tae-Sun Yoon, Yiying Zhang, Anupam Dikshit, Su-Shing Chen: Predictability of Rules in HIV-1 Protease Cleavage Site Analysis. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2006: 830-837
34EEHyunki Kim, Myung-Gil Jang, Su-Shing Chen: Building Semantic Digital Libraries: Automated Ontology Linking by Associative Naïve Bayes Classifier. ECDL 2005: 500-501
33EEHung-Ju Chu, Randy Y. C. Chow, Su-Shing Chen, Raja R. A. Issa, Ivan Mutis: Semantic Association of Taxonomy-based Standards Using Ontology. Integrating Ontologies 2005
32EEWeihui Wu, Yongling Song, Shouguang Jin, Su-Shing Chen: An Interactive Map of Regulatory Networks of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Genome. Systems Biology and Regulatory Genomics 2005: 1-10
31EEHongxia Pang, Jiaowei Tang, Su-Shing Chen, Shiheng Tao: Statistical distributions of optimal global alignment scores of random protein sequences. BMC Bioinformatics 6: 257 (2005)
30EEC. Steven Cummings, Hongchi Shi, Yi Shang, Su-Shing Chen: A flexible authentication and authorization scheme for a learner information management web service. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 4(2): 235-250 (2005)
29EESu-Shing Chen: Digital Preservation and Workflow Process. ICADL 2004: 61-72
28 Hyunki Kim, Chee-Yoong Choo, Su-Shing Chen: An Integrated Digital Library Server with QAI and Self-Organizing Capabilities. ECDL 2003: 164-175
27EEVijay Parmar, Hongchi Shi, Su-Shing Chen: XML Access Control for Semantically Related XML Documents. HICSS 2003: 288
26 Hairong Liu, Hongchi Shi, Yi Shang, Su-Shing Chen: SAM: A Student Assessment and Modeling System. IC-AI 2003: 513-518
25 Su-Shing Chen: Preserving digital records and the life cycle of information. Advances in Computers 57: 70-109 (2003)
24 Zhiwei Fang, Mary L. Polacco, Su-Shing Chen, Steven G. Schroeder, D. Hancock, Hector Sanchez-Villeda, Edward H. Coe: cMap: the comparative genetic map viewer. Bioinformatics 19(3): 416-417 (2003)
23EEHongchi Shi, Spyridon Revithis, Su-Shing Chen: An agent enabling personalized learning in e-learning environments. AAMAS 2002: 847-848
22EESu-Shing Chen, Chee-Yoong Choo: A DL server with OAI capabilities: LOVE. JCDL 2002: 388
21EESu-Shing Chen, Othoniel Rodriguez, Chee-Yoong Choo, Yi Shang, Hongchi Shi: Personalizing Digital Libraries for Learners. DEXA 2001: 112-121
20EEHongchi Shi, Yi Shang, Su-Shing Chen: Smart instructional component based course content organization and delivery. ITiCSE 2001: 186
19EEJoe Futrelle, Su-Shing Chen, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: NBDL: a CIS framework for NSDL. JCDL 2001: 124-125
18EESu-Shing Chen, Ching-chih Chen: Workshop 4: digital libraries in asian languages. JCDL 2001: 485
17EEYi Shang, Hongchi Shi, Su-Shing Chen: An intelligent distributed environment for active learning. WWW 2001: 308-315
16 Yi Shang, Hongchi Shi, Su-Shing Chen: An intelligent distributed environment for active learning. ACM Journal of Educational Resources in Computing 1(2): 4 (2001)
15EESu-Shing Chen: The Paradox of Digital Preservation. IEEE Computer 34(3): 24-28 (2001)
14 Su-Shing Chen: A localized protein-folding problem. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 16(4): 449-457 (2001)
13 Su-Shing Chen: Knowledge discovery of Gene Functions and Metabolic Pathways. BIBE 2000: 214-218
12 J. Leon Zhao, Doron Rotem, Su-Shing Chen: Data Management for Multiuser Access to Digital Video Libraries. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 56(3): 208-234 (1999)
11EESu-Shing Chen, Pasi Tyrväinen, Airi Salminen: Integration of Digital Structured Documents in Virtual Manufacturing Organizations. HICSS (2) 1998: 195-
10EEV. S. Subrahmanian, Su-Shing Chen, James A. Hendler, Richard Hull, Val Tannen: Smart Mediators and Intelligent Agents (Panel). CIKM 1996: 343
9 Sibel Adali, K. Selçuk Candan, Su-Shing Chen, Kutluhan Erol, V. S. Subrahmanian: The Advanced Video Information System: Data Structures and Query Processing. Multimedia Syst. 4(4): 172-186 (1996)
8 Su-Shing Chen: Spatial Mental Models in Cognitive Systems. Fundam. Inform. 18: 183-192 (1993)
7 Su-Shing Chen: Knowledge Acquisition on Neural Networks. IPMU 1988: 281-289
6 Gee-gwo Mei, Wentai Liu, Su-Shing Chen: A Hierarchical Sigma-Pi Neural Architecture for Learning Search Algorithms. ISMIS 1988: 374-379
5 Mingchuan Zhang, Su-Shing Chen: Evidential reasoning in image understanding. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 2(3): 347 (1988)
4 Su-Shing Chen: Image Reconstruction from Zero-Crossings. IJCAI 1987: 742-744
3EESu-Shing Chen: Some extensions of probabilistic logic. UAI 1986: 221-228
2EESu-Shing Chen, Michael A. Penna: Shape and motion of nonrigid bodies. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 36(2-3): 175-207 (1986)
1EESu-Shing Chen: On Rotation Group and Encryption of Analog Signals. CRYPTO 1984: 95-100

Coauthor Index

1Sibel Adali [9]
2K. Selçuk Candan [9]
3Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang [19]
4Ching-chih Chen [18]
5Chee-Yoong Choo [21] [22] [28]
6Randy Y. C. Chow [33]
7Hung-Ju Chu [33]
8Edward H. Coe [24]
9C. Steven Cummings [30]
10Anupam Dikshit [35]
11Kutluhan Erol [9]
12Zhiwei Fang [24]
13Joe Futrelle [19]
14Vandana Gummuluru [38]
15D. Hancock [24]
16James A. Hendler (Jim Hendler) [10]
17Yong-Seok Heo [39]
18Richard Hull [10]
19Raja R. A. Issa [33]
20Myung-Gil Jang [34]
21Shouguang Jin [32]
22Hyeoncheol Kim [35] [39]
23Hyunki Kim [28] [34]
24Hairong Liu [26]
25Wentai Liu [6]
26Gee-gwo Mei [6]
27Ivan Mutis [33]
28Heung-Bum Oh [39]
29Hongxia Pang [31]
30Vijay Parmar [27]
31Michael A. Penna [2]
32Mary L. Polacco [24]
33Spyridon Revithis [23]
34Othoniel Rodriguez [21]
35Doron Rotem [12]
36Airi Salminen [11]
37Hector Sanchez-Villeda [24]
38Steven G. Schroeder [24]
39Yi Shang [16] [17] [20] [21] [26] [30]
40Ruimin Shen [37]
41Hongchi Shi [16] [17] [20] [21] [23] [26] [27] [30]
42Yongling Song [32]
43V. S. Subrahmanian [9] [10]
44Jiaowei Tang [31]
45Val Tannen (Valeriu Breazu, Val Breazu-Tannen) [10]
46Shiheng Tao [31]
47Pasi Tyrväinen [11]
48Carsten Ullrich [37]
49Weihui Wu [32]
50Tae-Sun Yoon [35]
51Mingchuan Zhang [5]
52Yiying Zhang [35] [39]
53J. Leon Zhao [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)