On the Desirability of Acyclic Database Schemes.
Catriel Beeri, Ronald Fagin, David Maier, Mihalis Yannakakis:
On the Desirability of Acyclic Database Schemes.
J. ACM 30(3): 479-513(1983)@article{DBLP:journals/jacm/BeeriFMY83,
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David Maier and
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Referenced by
- Fabrizio Angiulli, Rachel Ben-Eliyahu-Zohary, Giovambattista Ianni, Luigi Palopoli:
Computational Properties of Metaquerying Problems.
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- Mark Levene, George Loizou:
Database Design for Incomplete Relations.
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- Georg Gottlob, Nicola Leone, Francesco Scarcello:
Hypertree Decompositions and Tractable Queries.
PODS 1999: 21-32
- Moshe Y. Vardi:
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- César A. Galindo-Legaria, Arjan Pellenkoft, Martin L. Kersten:
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- Serge Abiteboul, Richard Hull, Victor Vianu:
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Addison-Wesley 1995, ISBN 0-201-53771-0
Contents - Francesco M. Malvestuto:
Statistical versus Relational Join Dependencies.
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- Yehoshua Sagiv, Oded Shmueli:
Solving Queries by Tree Projections.
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- Shinichi Morishita:
Avoiding Cartesian Products in Programs for Multiple Joins.
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- Stephen J. Hegner:
Pairwise-Definable Subdirect Decompositions of General Database Schemata.
MFDBS 1991: 243-257
- Dan E. Willard:
Quasilinear Algorithms for Processing Relational Calculus Expressions.
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- Jyrki Nummenmaa, Peter Thanisch:
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- Jeffrey D. Ullman:
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Contents - Stephen J. Hegner:
Decomposition of Relational Schemata into Components Defined by Both Projection and Restriction.
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- Mark Levene, George Loizou:
A Universal Relation Model for Nested Relations.
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- Z. Meral Özsoyoglu, Li-Yan Yuan:
Reduced MVDs and Minimal Covers.
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- Z. Meral Özsoyoglu, Li-Yan Yuan:
A New Normal Form for Nested Relations.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 12(1): 111-136(1987)
- Weining Zhang, Clement T. Yu:
A Necessary Condition for a Doubly Recursive Rule to be Equivalent to a Linear Recursive Rule.
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- Mark A. Roth, Henry F. Korth:
The Design of ¬1NF Relational Databases into Nested Normal Form.
SIGMOD Conference 1987: 143-159
- Li-Yan Yuan, Z. Meral Özsoyoglu:
Logical Design of Relational Database Systems.
PODS 1987: 38-47
- Francesco M. Malvestuto:
Answering Queries in Categorial Data Bases.
PODS 1987: 87-96
- Detlev Ruland, Dietmar Seipel:
Designing Alpha-Acyclic BCNF-Database Schemes.
MFDBS 1987: 197-209
- Alessandro D'Atri, Paolino Di Felice, V. S. Lakshmanan, Marina Moscarini:
On Global Context Dependencies and their Properties.
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- Z. Meral Özsoyoglu, Li-Yan Yuan:
A Design Method for Nested Relational Databases.
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- Marc Gyssens:
On the Complexity of Join Dependencies.
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- Catriel Beeri, Michael Kifer:
An Integrated Approach to Logical Design of Relational Database Schemes.
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- Li-Yan Yuan, Z. Meral Özsoyoglu:
Unifying Functional and Multivalued Dependencies for Relational Database Design.
PODS 1986: 183-190
- Yehoshua Sagiv, Oded Shmueli:
On Finite FD-Acyclicity.
PODS 1986: 173-182
- Yehoshua Sagiv, Oded Shmueli:
The Equivalence of Solving Queries and Production Tree Projections.
PODS 1986: 160-172
- Detlev Ruland, Dietmar Seipel:
Alpha-Acyclic Decompositions of Relational Database Schemes.
PODS 1986: 191-201
- Francesco M. Malvestuto:
Modelling Large Bases of Categorial Data With Acyclic Schemes.
ICDT 1986: 323-340
- V. S. Lakshmanan:
Split-Freedom and MVD-Intersection: A New Characterization of Multivalued Dependencies Having Conflict-Free Covers.
ICDT 1986: 221-241
- Dirk Van Gucht:
Interaction-Free Multivalued Dependency Sets.
ICDT 1986: 409-420
- Z. Meral Özsoyoglu, Li-Yan Yuan:
A Normal Form for Nested Relations.
PODS 1985: 251-260
- Marc Gyssens:
Embedded Join Dependencies as a Tool for Decomposing Full Join Dependencies.
PODS 1985: 205-214
- Giorgio Ausiello, Alessandro D'Atri, Marina Moscarini:
Chordality Properties on Graphs and Minimal Conceptual Connections in Semantic Data Models.
PODS 1985: 164-170
- Lynette I. Brady:
A Universal Relation Assumption Based on Entities and Relationships.
ER 1985: 208-215
- Henry F. Korth, Gabriel M. Kuper, Joan Feigenbaum, Allen Van Gelder, Jeffrey D. Ullman:
System/U: A Database System Based on the Universal Relation Assumption.
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- Hirofumi Katsuno:
An Extension of Conflict-Free Multivalued Dependency Sets.
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- Clement T. Yu, C. C. Chang:
Distributed Query Processing.
ACM Comput. Surv. 16(4): 399-433(1984)
- Yun-zhou Zhu:
Line Graph of Gamma-Acyclic Database Schems and its Recognition Algorithm.
VLDB 1984: 218-221
- Catriel Beeri, Michael Kifer:
Comprehensive Approach to the Design of Relational Database Schemes.
VLDB 1984: 196-207
- Dan E. Willard:
Efficient Processing of Relational Calculus Expressions Using Range Query Theory.
SIGMOD Conference 1984: 164-175
- Oded Shmueli, Alon Itai:
Maintenance of Views.
SIGMOD Conference 1984: 240-255
- Domenico Saccà, F. Manfredi, A. Mecchia:
Properties of Database Schemata with Functional Dependencies.
PODS 1984: 19-28
- Z. Meral Özsoyoglu, Elarbi Choukhmane:
On the Cyclic to Acyclic Scheme Transformation and Solving Cyclic Queries.
PODS 1984: 133-142
- Marc Gyssens, Jan Paredaens:
On the Decomposition of Join Dependencies.
PODS 1984: 143-152
- Gösta Grahne, Kari-Jouko Räihä:
Dependency Characterizations for Acyclic Database Schemes.
PODS 1984: 9-18
- Patrick C. Fischer, Dirk Van Gucht:
Weak Multivalued Dependencies.
PODS 1984: 266-274
- Alessandro D'Atri, Marina Moscarini:
On the Recognition and Design of Acyclic Databases.
PODS 1984: 1-8
- David Maier, Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Maximal Objects and the Semantics of Universal Relation Databases.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 8(1): 1-14(1983)
- Gösta Grahne, Kari-Jouko Räihä:
Database Decomposition into Fourth Normal Form.
VLDB 1983: 186-196
- David Maier, David Rozenshtein, David Scott Warren:
Windows on the World.
SIGMOD Conference 1983: 68-78
- Kent Laver, Alberto O. Mendelzon, Marc H. Graham:
Functional Dependencies on Cyclic Database Schemes.
SIGMOD Conference 1983: 79-91
- Alessandro D'Atri, Marina Moscarini, Nicolas Spyratos:
Answering Queries in Relational Databases.
SIGMOD Conference 1983: 173-177
- Domenico Saccà:
On the Recognition of Coverings of Acyclic Database Hypergraphs.
PODS 1983: 297-304
- Nathan Goodman, Oded Shmueli, Y. C. Tay:
GYO Reductions, Canonical Connections, Tree and Cyclic Schemas and Tree Projections.
PODS 1983: 267-278
- Catriel Beeri, Michael Kifer:
Elimination of Intersection Anomalies from Database Schemes.
PODS 1983: 340-351
- Sushil Jajodia, Peter A. Ng, Frederick N. Springsteel:
On Universal and Representative Instances for Inconsistent Databases.
ER 1983: 279-295
- Sushil Jajodia, Peter A. Ng:
On the Representation of Relational Structures by Entity-Relationship Diagrams.
ER 1983: 249-263
- David Maier:
The Theory of Relational Databases.
Computer Science Press 1983, ISBN 0-914894-42-0
Contents - Ronald Fagin, Alberto O. Mendelzon, Jeffrey D. Ullman:
A Simplified Universal Relation Assumption and Its Properties.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 7(3): 343-360(1982)
- Paolo Atzeni, Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Assumptions in Relational Database Theory.
PODS 1982: 1-9
- Karen Chase:
Join Graphs and Acyclic Database Schemes.
VLDB 1981: 95-100
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:05:38 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)