
Lev A. Tenenbaum

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4 Lev A. Tenenbaum: Acyclic Hypergraphs and Relational Databases (A Survey). CISM - Advances in Database Systems 1993: 1-28
3EELev A. Tenenbaum: Blocks and Projections' Synthesis in relational Databases. MFDBS 1989: 367-381
2EEL. A. Gusev, Sergey V. Petrov, Lev A. Tenenbaum: Relations, Dependencies and Some Problems of System Theory. Inf. Sci. 47(3): 267-285 (1989)
1EELev A. Tenenbaum: Relational Decomposition and Structural Analysis of Systems. Inf. Sci. 47(3): 287-338 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1L. A. Gusev [2]
2Sergey V. Petrov [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)