
Werner Fey

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17 Werner Fey: ACT TWO: An Algebraic Module Specification and Interconnection Language. AMAST 1991: 187-200
16 Joachim Cramer, Werner Fey, Michael Goedicke, Martin Große-Rhode: Towards a Formally Based Component Description Language. TAPSOFT, Vol.2 1991: 358-378
15 Michael Löwe, Hartmut Ehrig, Werner Fey, Dean Jacobs: On the Relationship Between Algebraic Module Specifications and Program Modules. TAPSOFT, Vol.2 1991: 83-98
14 Joachim Cramer, Werner Fey, Michael Goedicke, Martin Große-Rhode: Towards a Formally Based Component Description Language - A Foundation for Reuse. Structured Programming 12(2): 91-110 (1991)
13 Hartmut Ehrig, Werner Fey, Horst Hansen, Michael Löwe, Dean Jacobs, Francesco Parisi-Presicce: Compatibility Problems in the Development of Algebraic Module Specifications. Theor. Comput. Sci. 77(1&2): 27-71 (1990)
12 Hartmut Ehrig, Werner Fey, Horst Hansen, Michael Löwe, Dean Jacobs: Algebraic Software Development Concepts for Module and Configuration Families. FSTTCS 1989: 181-192
11 Hartmut Ehrig, Ingo Claßen, Paul Boehm, Werner Fey, Martin Korff, Michael Löwe: Algebraic Concepts for Software Development in ACT ONE, ACT TWO and LOTOS (eingeladener Vortrag). Software-Entwicklung 1989: 201-224
10 Hartmut Ehrig, Werner Fey, Horst Hansen, Michael Löwe, Dean Jacobs, Anno Langen, Francesco Parisi-Presicce: Algebraic Specification of Modules and Configuration Families. Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 25(5/6): 205-232 (1989)
9 Werner Fey, Hartmut Ehrig, Horst Hansen, Michael Löwe: Algebraic Theory of Modular Specification Development. ADT 1988
8 Hartmut Ehrig, Werner Fey, Horst Hansen, Michael Löwe, Francesco Parisi-Presicce: Categories for the Development of Algebraic Module Specifications. Categorial Methods in Computer Science 1988: 157-184
7 Werner Fey: The Module Specification Language ACT TWO. ADT 1986
6 Hartmut Ehrig, Werner Fey, Francesco Parisi-Presicce, Edward K. Blum: Algebraic Theory of Module Specification with Constraints. MFCS 1986: 59-77
5 Hartmut Ehrig, Werner Fey, Horst Hansen: Towards Abstract User Interfaces for Formal System Specifications. ADT 1984: 73-88
4 Hartmut Ehrig, Werner Fey, Horst Hansen: ACT ONE - An Algebraic Specification Language with two Levels of Semantics. ADT 1983
3 Werner Fey: From Requirements to Design Specification. ADT 1982
2 Hartmut Ehrig, Werner Fey: Methodology for the Specification of Software Systems: From Formal Requirements to Algebraic Design Specifications. GI Jahrestagung 1981: 255-269
1 Hartmut Ehrig, Werner Fey, Hans-Jörg Kreowski: Algebraische Spezifikation eines Stücklistensystems - eine Fallstudie. Software Engineering 1980: 75-90

Coauthor Index

1Edward K. Blum [6]
2Paul Boehm [11]
3Ingo Claßen [11]
4Joachim Cramer [14] [16]
5Hartmut Ehrig [1] [2] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [15]
6Michael Goedicke [14] [16]
7Martin Große-Rhode [14] [16]
8Horst Hansen [4] [5] [8] [9] [10] [12] [13]
9Dean Jacobs [10] [12] [13] [15]
10Martin Korff [11]
11Hans-Jörg Kreowski [1]
12Anno Langen [10]
13Michael Löwe [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [15]
14Francesco Parisi-Presicce [6] [8] [10] [13]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)