
Helmut Siemon

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5 Helmut Siemon: A Number Theoretic Conjecture and the Existence of S-Cyclic Steiner Quadruple Systems. Des. Codes Cryptography 13(1): 63-94 (1998)
4 Helmut Siemon: Piotrowski's Infinite Series of Steiner Quadruple Systems Revisited. Des. Codes Cryptography 8(1-2): 239-254 (1996)
3 Helmut Siemon: Cyclic Steiner Quadruple Systems and Köhler's Orbit Graphs. Des. Codes Cryptography 1(2): 121-132 (1991)
2EEHelmut Siemon: On the existence of cyclic Steiner Quadruple systems SQS (2p). Discrete Mathematics 97(1-3): 377-385 (1991)
1EEHelmut Siemon: Infinite families of strictly cyclic Steiner quadruple systems. Discrete Mathematics 77(1-3): 307-316 (1989)

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