
R. D. Baker

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13EER. D. Baker, Gary L. Ebert, Tim Penttila: Hyperbolic Fibrations and q-Clans. Des. Codes Cryptography 34(2-3): 295-305 (2005)
12EER. D. Baker, Arrigo Bonisoli, Antonio Cossidente, Gary L. Ebert: Cap partitions of the Segre variety S1, 3. Discrete Mathematics 255(1-3): 7-12 (2002)
11EER. D. Baker, Gary L. Ebert, Ka Hin Leung, Qing Xiang: A Trace Conjecture and Flag-Transitive Affine Planes. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 95(1): 158-168 (2001)
10 R. D. Baker, Jeremy M. Dover, Gary L. Ebert, Kenneth L. Wantz: Perfect Baer Subplane Partitions and Three-Dimensional Flag-Transitive Planes. Des. Codes Cryptography 21(1/3): 19-39 (2000)
9EER. D. Baker, Arrigo Bonisoli, Antonio Cossidente, Gary L. Ebert: Mixed partitions of PG(5, q). Discrete Mathematics 208-209: 23-29 (1999)
8EER. D. Baker, Jeremy M. Dover, Gary L. Ebert, Kenneth L. Wantz: Hyperbolic Fibrations of PG(3, q). Eur. J. Comb. 20(1): 1-16 (1999)
7 R. D. Baker, Gary L. Ebert: Regulus-free Spreads of PG(3, q). Des. Codes Cryptography 8(1-2): 79-89 (1996)
6 R. D. Baker, Gary L. Ebert: A Bruen Chain for q = 19. Des. Codes Cryptography 4(4): 307-312 (1994)
5 R. D. Baker, Gary L. Ebert: On Buekenhout-Metz Unitals of Odd Order. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 60(1): 67-84 (1992)
4EER. D. Baker, Gary L. Ebert, R. Weida: Another look at Bruen chains. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 48(1): 77-90 (1988)
3 R. D. Baker, Gary L. Ebert: Spreads and Packings for a Class of ((2n + 1)(2n-1 - 1) + 1, 2n-1, 1) - Designs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 40(1): 45-54 (1985)
2 R. D. Baker, Jacobus H. van Lint, Richard M. Wilson: On the Preparata and Goethals codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 29(3): 342-344 (1983)
1 R. D. Baker: Symmetric designs with Bruck subdesigns. Combinatorica 2(2): 103-109 (1982)

Coauthor Index

1Arrigo Bonisoli [9] [12]
2Antonio Cossidente [9] [12]
3Jeremy M. Dover [8] [10]
4Gary L. Ebert [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
5Ka Hin Leung [11]
6Jacobus H. van Lint (Jack H. van Lint) [2]
7Tim Penttila [13]
8Kenneth L. Wantz [8] [10]
9R. Weida [4]
10Richard M. Wilson [2]
11Qing Xiang [11]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)