Volume 2,
- Karl Kümmerle, Harry Rudin:
Packet and Circuit Switching: Cost/Performance Boundaries.
3-17 BibTeX
- Richard C. Roistacher:
The Virtual Journal.
18-24 BibTeX
- Ira W. Cotton:
Computer Network Interconnection.
25-34 BibTeX
- Bennet P. Lientz, Ira R. Weiss:
Trade-Offs of Secure Processing in Centralized Versus Distributed Networks.
35-43 BibTeX
- J. W. Wong:
Distribution of End-to-End Delay in Message-Switched Networks.
44-49 BibTeX
- Gérard Le Lann, Hervé Le Goff:
Verification and Evaluation of Communication Protocols.
50-69 BibTeX
- Wyn L. Price, J. D. Haenle:
Some Comments on Simulated Datagram Store-and-Forward Networks.
70-73 BibTeX
- Eric G. Manning:
On Datagram Service in Public Packet-Switched Networks.
79-83 BibTeX
- Najah Naffah:
High Level Protocol for Alphanumeric Data-Entry Terminals.
84-94 BibTeX
- Leslie Lamport:
The Implementation of Reliable Distributed Multiprocess Systems.
95-114 BibTeX
- Eckart Hummel:
Role and Functioning of the CCITT.
123-124 BibTeX
- Eric G. Manning:
The 1976 International Computer Communications Conference - An Assessment.
125-154 BibTeX
- R. A. Davenport:
Distributed Database Technology - A Survey.
155-167 BibTeX
- Kiyoshi Maruyama:
Optimization of Mixed-Media Communication Networks.
168-178 BibTeX
- Peter T. Kirstein:
Choice of Data Communication Media for Transmission of Facsimile Information.
179-190 BibTeX
- Alfred Giessler, J. D. Haenle, A. König, E. Pade:
Free Buffer Allocation - An Investigation by Simulation.
191-208 BibTeX
- E. M. Gaudissart, Stephane de Hepcée, Guy Melaet, Vincent Obozinski:
Description of Protocols Implemented in the SGB Network.
215-226 BibTeX
- Yves A. Jacquemart:
Network Interprocess Communication in an X 25 Environment.
227-235 BibTeX
- Ernest C. Eschenauer, Vincent Obozinski:
The Network Communication Manager: A Transport Station for the SGB Network.
236-249 BibTeX
- Friedrich Hertweck, Eckart Raubold, Friedrich H. Vogt:
X 25 Based Process - Process Communication.
250-270 BibTeX
- John G. Fletcher, Richard W. Watson:
Mechanisms for a Reliable Timer-Based Protocol.
271-290 BibTeX
- Günter Schulze, Joachim Börger:
A Virtual Terminal Protocol Based Upon the ``Communication Variable'' Concept.
291-296 BibTeX
- Eric G. Bauwens, Francis N. Magnee:
The Virtual Terminal Approach in the Belgian University Network.
297-311 BibTeX
- Michel Gien:
A File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
312-319 BibTeX
- Dan Cohen:
A Protocol for Packet-Switching Voice Communication.
320-331 BibTeX
- Robert Saettone:
MITS: Microprocessor Implementation of a Transport Station.
332-339 BibTeX
- Derek Barber, Tomaz Kalin, C. M. Solomonides:
An Implementation of the X 25 Interface in a Datagram Network.
340-345 BibTeX
- Carl A. Sunshine:
Survey of Protocol Definition and Verification Techniques.
346-350 BibTeX
- Daniel Brand, William H. Joyner Jr.:
Verification of Protocols Using Symbolic Execution.
351-360 BibTeX
- Gregor von Bochmann:
Finite State Description of Communication Protocols.
361-372 BibTeX
- Harry Rudin, Colin H. West, Pitro Zafiropulo:
Automated Protocol Validation: One Chain of Development.
373-380 BibTeX
- André A. S. Danthine, Joseph Bremer:
Modelling and Verification of End-to-End Transport Protocols.
381-395 BibTeX
- Christopher J. Bennett, Andrew J. Hinchley:
Measurements of the Transmission Control Protocol.
396-408 BibTeX
- Erol Gelenbe, Jacques Labetoulle, Guy Pujolle:
Performance Evaluation of the HDLC Protocol.
409-415 BibTeX
- Starr Roxanne Hiltz:
The Human Element in Computerized Conferencing Systems.
421-428 BibTeX
- P. Schicker, A. Duenki:
The Virtual Terminal Definition.
429-441 BibTeX
- Yoshifumi Masunaga:
A Probabilistic Automaton Model of the NRM, HDX HDLC Procedure.
442-453 BibTeX
- Carl A. Sunshine, Yogen K. Dalal:
Connection Management in Transport Protocols.
454-473 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:52:57 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)