
R. A. Davenport

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9 R. A. Davenport: Design of Distributed Data Base Systems. Comput. J. 24(1): 31-41 (1981)
8 R. A. Davenport: Data Administration - The Need for a New Function. IFIP Congress 1980: 505-510
7EER. A. Davenport: The Application of Data Analysis - Experience with the Entity-Relationship Approach. ER 1979: 603-622
6 R. A. Davenport: Data Analysis for Database Design. Australian Computer Journal 10(4): 122-137 (1979)
5 R. A. Davenport: Logical Database Design - From Entity Model to DBMS Structure. Australian Computer Journal 11(3): 82-97 (1979)
4 R. A. Davenport: Distributed or Centralised Data Base. Comput. J. 21(1): 7-14 (1978)
3 R. A. Davenport: Distributed Database Technology - A Survey. Computer Networks 2: 155-167 (1978)
2 R. A. Davenport: Database Integrity. Comput. J. 19(2): 110-116 (1976)
1EED. G. Bennett, R. A. Davenport: A facility for real-time program development. Comput. J. 15(1): 5-7 (1972)

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1D. G. Bennett [1]

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