
Gérard Le Lann

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42EEChristophe Honvault, Marc Le Roy, Pascal Gula, Jean-Charles Fabre, Gérard Le Lann, Eric Bornschlegl: Novel Generic Middleware Building Blocks for Dependable Modular Avionics Systems. EDCC 2005: 140-153
41EEJosef Widder, Gérard Le Lann, Ulrich Schmid: Failure Detection with Booting in Partially Synchronous Systems. EDCC 2005: 20-37
40EEMartin Biely, Gérard Le Lann, Ulrich Schmid: Proof-Based System Engineering Using a Virtual System Model. ISAS 2005: 164-179
39EEGérard Le Lann: Time-Utility Scheduling and Provably Correct Critical Computer-Based Systems. IPDPS 2004
38EEEmmanuelle Anceaume, Carole Delporte-Gallet, Hugues Fauconnier, Michel Hurfin, Gérard Le Lann: Designing Modular Services in the Scattered Byzantine Failure Model. ISPDC/HeteroPar 2004: 262-269
37EEBinoy Ravindran, Gérard Le Lann, Jinggang Wang, Peng Li: A Systems Engineering Approach for Constructing Certifiable Real-Time Distributed Systems. ISORC 2003: 105-112
36EEGérard Le Lann: Asynchrony and Real-Time Dependable Computing. WORDS 2003: 18-25
35EEMarcos Kawazoe Aguilera, Gérard Le Lann, Sam Toueg: On the Impact of Fast Failure Detectors on Real-Time Fault-Tolerant Systems. DISC 2002: 354-370
34EEBinoy Ravindran, Gérard Le Lann, Peng Li: Constructing High Assurance Asynchronous Real-Time Distributed Systems: A Proof-Based System Engineering Approach. HASE 2002: 89-92
33EEJean-François Hermant, Gérard Le Lann: Fast Asynchronous Uniform Consensus in Real-Time Distributed Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 51(8): 931-944 (2002)
32EEPatrice Carrére, Jean-François Hermant, Gérard Le Lann: In Pursuit of Correct Paradigms for Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Systems. ISORC 1999: 271-
31EEGérard Le Lann: Predictability in Critical Systems. FTRTFT 1998: 315-338
30EEJean-François Hermant, Gérard Le Lann: A Protocol and Correctness Proofs for Real-Time High-Performance Broadcast Networks. ICDCS 1998: 360-369
29EEGérard Le Lann: An analysis of the Ariane 5 flight 501 failure-a system engineering perspective. ECBS 1997: 339-246
28EEGérard Le Lann: A Methodology for Designing and Dimensioning Critical Complex Computing Systems. ECBS 1996: 332-
27 Gérard Le Lann: Proof-Based System Engineering and Embedded Systems. European Educational Forum: School on Embedded Systems 1996: 208-248
26 Gérard Le Lann: On Real-Time and Non Real-Time Distributed Computing. WDAG 1995: 51-70
25 Gérard Le Lann: Scheduling in Critical Real-Time Systems: a Minfesto. FTRTFT 1994: 511-528
24 Gérard Le Lann: Certifiable Critical Complex Computing Systems. IFIP Congress (3) 1994: 287-294
23 Jean-Claude Laprie, Gérard Le Lann, Michele Morganti, John M. Rushby: Limits in Dependability (Panel). FTCS 1993: 608-613
22 Gérard Le Lann: What Are the Correct Paradigms for Designing Dependable Distributed and Real-Time Systems? IFIP Congress (1) 1992: 596-597
21EEGérard Le Lann: Designing real-time dependable distributed systems. Computer Communications 15(4): 225-234 (1992)
20 Gérard Le Lann: Notes on Future Operating Systems for Real-Time Dependable Distributed Computing. Operating Systems of the 90s and Beyond 1991: 109-115
19 Gérard Le Lann, G. Bres: Reliable Atomic Broadcast in Distributed Systems with Omission Faults. Operating Systems Review 25(2): 80-86 (1991)
18EEGérard Le Lann, G. Bres: Reliable atomic broadcast in distributed systems with omission faults. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1990
17 Gérard Le Lann: Which LAN in the Factory (Panel). IFIP Congress 1986: 921-922
16 Gérard Le Lann: Issues in Fault-Tolerant Real-Time Local Area Networks. Symposium on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems 1986: 28-32
15 Gérard Le Lann: Synchronization. Advanced Course: Local Area Networks 1983: 361-395
14 Gérard Le Lann: Real-Time Protocols. Advanced Course: Local Area Networks 1983: 457-469
13 Gérard Le Lann: On Real-Time Distributed Computing. IFIP Congress 1983: 741-753
12 Farouk Kamoun, M. Ben Djerad, Gérard Le Lann: Queueing Analysis of the ordering issue in a distributed database concurrency control mechanism: A General Case. ICDCS 1982: 447-453
11 Gérard Le Lann: Motivations, Objectives and Characterization of Distributed Systems. Advanced Course: Distributed Systems 1980: 1-9
10 Gérard Le Lann: Synchronization. Advanced Course: Distributed Systems 1980: 266-283
9 Gérard Le Lann: Error Recovery. Advanced Course: Distributed Systems 1980: 371-376
8 Gérard Le Lann: Link Level. Advanced Course: Distributed Systems 1980: 86-93
7 Jean Le Bihan, Christian Esculier, Gérard Le Lann, L. Treille: SIRIUS-DELTA: Un Prototype de Systeme de Gestion de Bases de Donnees Reparties. DDB 1980: 137-159
6EEJean Le Bihan, Christian Esculier, Gérard Le Lann, Witold Litwin, Georges Gardarin, S. Sedillort, L. Treille: SIRIUS: A French Nationwide Project on Distributed Data Bases. VLDB 1980: 75-85
5 Gérard Le Lann: Algorithms for Distributed Data-Sharing Systems Which Use Tickets. Berkeley Workshop 1978: 259-272
4 Gérard Le Lann, Hervé Le Goff: Verification and Evaluation of Communication Protocols. Computer Networks 2: 50-69 (1978)
3 Gérard Le Lann: Distributed Systems - Towards a Formal Approach. IFIP Congress 1977: 155-160
2 Hervé Le Goff, Gérard Le Lann: Communication and Sysnchronization Tools in a Distributed Environment. ECI 1976: 50-61
1 Gérard Le Lann, Hervé Le Goff: Advances in Performance Evaluation of Communication Protocols. ICCC 1976: 361-366

Coauthor Index

1Marcos Kawazoe Aguilera [35]
2Emmanuelle Anceaume [38]
3Martin Biely [40]
4Jean Le Bihan [6] [7]
5Eric Bornschlegl [42]
6G. Bres [18] [19]
7Patrice Carrére [32]
8Carole Delporte-Gallet (Carole Delporte) [38]
9M. Ben Djerad [12]
10Christian Esculier [6] [7]
11Jean-Charles Fabre [42]
12Hugues Fauconnier [38]
13Georges Gardarin [6]
14Hervé Le Goff [1] [2] [4]
15Pascal Gula [42]
16Jean-François Hermant [30] [32] [33]
17Christophe Honvault [42]
18Michel Hurfin [38]
19Farouk Kamoun [12]
20Jean-Claude Laprie [23]
21Peng Li [34] [37]
22Witold Litwin [6]
23Michele Morganti [23]
24Binoy Ravindran [34] [37]
25Marc Le Roy [42]
26John M. Rushby [23]
27Ulrich Schmid [40] [41]
28S. Sedillort [6]
29Sam Toueg [35]
30L. Treille [6] [7]
31Jinggang Wang [37]
32Josef Widder [41]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)