
Friedrich H. Vogt

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14EEJames E. Johnson, David E. Langworthy, Leslie Lamport, Friedrich H. Vogt: Formal specification of a Web services protocol. J. Log. Algebr. Program. 70(1): 34-52 (2007)
13EEFriedrich H. Vogt, Simon Zambrovski, Boris Gruschko, Peter Furniss, Alastair Green: Implementing Web Service Protocols in SOA: WS-Coordination and WS-BusinessActivity. CEC Workshops 2005: 21-28
12EEJames E. Johnson, David E. Langworthy, Leslie Lamport, Friedrich H. Vogt: Formal Specification of a Web Services Protocol. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 105: 147-158 (2004)
11 Friedrich H. Vogt: Personal Computers and Intelligent Systems - Information Processing '92, Volume 3, Proceedings of the IFIP 12th World Computer Congress, Madrid, Spain, 7-11 September 1992 North-Holland 1992
10 Jan Bredereke, Reinhard Gotzhein, Friedrich H. Vogt: Design of a formal Estelle semantics for verification. FORTE 1992: 153-168
9 Caroline Andrae, Jan Bredereke, C. Hille, D. Peter, T. Reimer, U. Schüler, Reinhard Gotzhein, Friedrich H. Vogt: Praktischer Einsatz und Weiterentwicklung von Estelle. GI Jahrestagung 1991: 265-275
8 Reinhard Gotzhein, Friedrich H. Vogt: The Design of a Temporal Logic for Open Distributed Systems. Open Distributed Processing 1991: 229-240
7 Friedrich H. Vogt: Concurrency 88: International Conference on Concurrency, Hamburg, FRG, October 18-19, 1988, Proceedings Springer 1988
6 Richard L. Schwartz, P. M. Melliar-Smith, Friedrich H. Vogt: An Interval-Based Temporal Logic. Logic of Programs 1983: 443-457
5 Richard L. Schwartz, P. M. Melliar-Smith, Friedrich H. Vogt: An Interval Logic for Higher-Level Temporal Reasoning. PODC 1983: 173-186
4 Richard L. Schwartz, P. M. Melliar-Smith, Friedrich H. Vogt: Interval Logic: A Higher-Level Temporal Logic for Protocol Specification. Protocol Specification, Testing, and Verification 1983: 3-18
3 Friedrich H. Vogt: Event-Based Temporal Logic Specifications of Services and Protocols. PSTV 1982: 63-73
2 Friedrich Hertweck, Eckart Raubold, Friedrich H. Vogt: X 25 Based Process - Process Communication. Computer Networks 2: 250-270 (1978)
1 Berthold Butscher, R. Irsigler, Friedrich H. Vogt: Interprocess-Communication (IPC) in a Resource Sharing Network (Using Datagram-Service). Rechnernetze und Datenfernverarbeitung 1976: 141-150

Coauthor Index

1Caroline Andrae [9]
2Jan Bredereke [9] [10]
3Berthold Butscher [1]
4Peter Furniss [13]
5Reinhard Gotzhein [8] [9] [10]
6Alastair Green [13]
7Boris Gruschko [13]
8Friedrich Hertweck [2]
9C. Hille [9]
10R. Irsigler [1]
11James E. Johnson [12] [14]
12Leslie Lamport [12] [14]
13David E. Langworthy [12] [14]
14P. M. Melliar-Smith (P. Michael Melliar-Smith) [4] [5] [6]
15D. Peter [9]
16Eckart Raubold [2]
17T. Reimer [9]
18U. Schüler [9]
19Richard L. Schwartz [4] [5] [6]
20Simon Zambrovski [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)