Volume 25,
Number 1,
- Frank W. Allen:
A File Index for Document Storage and Retrieval Utilizing. Descriptor Fragments.
2-6 BibTeX
- I. P. Schagen:
Automatic Contouring from Scattered Data Points.
7-11 BibTeX
- A. T. Wood-Harper, Guy Fitzgerald:
A Taxonomy of Current Approaches to Systems Analysis.
12-16 BibTeX
- Richard B. Kieburtz, Abraham Silberschatz:
On the Static Access-Control Mechanism in Concurrent Pascal.
17-21 BibTeX
- Nenad Marovac:
The Rotating Bus as a Basis for Interprocess Communication in Distributed Systems.
22-31 BibTeX
- Ivor P. Page:
Optimal Fit Of Arbitrary Sized Segments.
32-36 BibTeX
- A. J. B. Travis:
An Aid to Pattern Recognition.
37-44 BibTeX
- Jarmo Ernvall, Olli Nevalainen:
An Algorithm for Unbiased Random Sampling.
45-47 BibTeX
- Emmanuel Skordalakis, George K. Papakonstantinou:
A Control Structure for a Variable Number of Nested Loops.
48-51 BibTeX
- J. J. Cocu, Raymond R. Devillers:
On a Class of Allocation Strategies Inducing Bounded Delays Only.
52-55 BibTeX
- R. H. Barlow, D. J. Evans:
Parallel Algorithms for the Iterative Solution to Linear Systems.
56-60 BibTeX
- Charles B. Dunham:
The Necessity of Publishing Programs.
61-62 BibTeX
- Frank G. Pagan:
Semantic Specification Using Two-Level Grammars: Labels and GOTO Statements.
63-67 BibTeX
- C. Robert Carlson, Adarsh K. Arora, Miroslava Milosavljevic Carlson:
The Application of Functional Dependency Theory to Relational Databases.
68-73 BibTeX
- Robert J. T. Morris, J. S. Kaufman:
Performance Comparison of I/0 Access Disciplines for Transaction-Processing Systems.
74-83 BibTeX
- Bernd Schmidt:
Simulation of Discrete Systems Using GPSS-FORTRAN.
84-86 BibTeX
- M. Bozyigit, Y. Paker:
A Topology Reconfiguration Mechanism for Distributed Computer Systems.
87-92 BibTeX
- M. C. Er, Barry G. T. Lowden:
The Theory and Practice of Constructing an Optimal Polyphase Sort.
93-101 BibTeX
- C. M. McCulloch:
QUICKSHUNT - A Distributive Sorting Algorithm.
102-104 BibTeX
- Donald Michie:
Experiments on the Mechanization of Game-Learning. 2-Rule-Based Learning and the Human Window.
105-113 BibTeX
- Michael L. V. Pitteway, A. J. R. Green:
Bresenham's Algorithm with Run Line Coding Shortcut.
114-115 BibTeX
- Jack Bresenham:
Incremental Line Compaction.
116-120 BibTeX
- James Leslie Keedy, John Rosenberg, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao:
On Synchronizing Readers and Writers with Semaphores.
121-125 BibTeX
- Michael Hatzopoulos, John G. Kollias:
The Determination of the Optimum Database Maintenance Points.
126-129 BibTeX
- Julie Scoltock:
A Survey of the Literature of Cluster Analysis.
130-134 BibTeX
- R. W. A. Hudson, John A. Self:
A Dialogue System to Teach Database Concepts.
135-139 BibTeX
- A. J. Wilkes, Neil E. Wiseman:
A Soft-Edged Character Set and its Derivation.
140-147 BibTeX
- R. C. Thomas, Alan Burns:
The Case for Distributed Decision Making Systems.
148-152 BibTeX
Volume 25,
Number 2,
Volume 25,
Number 3,
Volume 25,
Number 4,
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:52:42 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)