
Richard P. Hopkins

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14EERichard P. Hopkins, Peter J. B. King: A Visual Formalism for the Composition of Stochastic Petri Nets. Computer Performance Evaluation / TOOLS 2002: 239-258
13EERichard P. Hopkins, M. J. Smith, Peter J. B. King: Two approaches to integrating UML and performance models. Workshop on Software and Performance 2002: 91-92
12EEEike Best, Wojciech Fraczak, Richard P. Hopkins, Hanna Klaudel, Elisabeth Pelz: M-Nets: An Algebra of High-Level Petri Nets, with an Application to the Semantics of Concurrent Programming Languages. Acta Inf. 35(10): 813-857 (1998)
11 Eike Best, Hans Fleischhack, Wojciech Fraczak, Richard P. Hopkins, Hanna Klaudel, Elisabeth Pelz: A Class of Composable High Level Petri Nets with an Application to the Semantics of B(PN)2. Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1995: 103-120
10 Richard P. Hopkins: Voting on Synchronous Communications. PARLE 1994: 97-108
9 Eike Best, Richard P. Hopkins: B(PN)2 - a Basic Petri Net Programming Notation. PARLE 1993: 379-390
8 Richard P. Hopkins, Jon G. Hall, Oliver Botti: A basic-net algebra for program semantics and its application to OCCAM. Advances in Petri Nets: The DEMON Project 1992: 179-214
7 Richard P. Hopkins: Distributable nets. Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 1990: 161-187
6 Richard P. Hopkins: Distributed Computers: Object-vs. Unix-Based and Beyond (Abstract). ICCI 1990: 6
5EELewis Foti, David English, Richard P. Hopkins, David J. Kinniment, Philip C. Treleaven, Wang Long Wang: Reduced-instruction set multi-microcomputer system. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1984: 69-76
4EEPhilip C. Treleaven, Richard P. Hopkins: A recursive computer architecture for VLSI. ISCA 1982: 229-238
3 Philip C. Treleaven, David R. Brownbridge, Richard P. Hopkins: Data-Driven and Demand-Driven Computer Architecture. ACM Comput. Surv. 14(1): 93-143 (1982)
2 Philip C. Treleaven, Richard P. Hopkins, Paul W. Rautenbach: Combining Data Flow and Control Flow Computing. Comput. J. 25(2): 207-217 (1982)
1 Philip C. Treleaven, Richard P. Hopkins: Decentralized Computation. ISCA 1981: 279-290

Coauthor Index

1Eike Best [9] [11] [12]
2Oliver Botti [8]
3David R. Brownbridge [3]
4David English [5]
5Hans Fleischhack [11]
6Lewis Foti [5]
7Wojciech Fraczak [11] [12]
8Jon G. Hall [8]
9Peter J. B. King [13] [14]
10David J. Kinniment [5]
11Hanna Klaudel [11] [12]
12Elisabeth Pelz [11] [12]
13Paul W. Rautenbach [2]
14M. J. Smith [13]
15Philip C. Treleaven [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
16Wang Long Wang [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)