
John R. Woodwark

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19EEJohn R. Woodwark: New directions for the millennium. Computer-Aided Design 32(1): 3 (2000)
18EEJohn R. Woodwark: Chateau CAD '68. Computer-Aided Design 25(2): 75 (1993)
17EEJohn R. Woodwark: A combinatorial question for CAD researchers. Computer-Aided Design 25(4): 202 (1993)
16EEJohn R. Woodwark: The buzzword is espirit. Computer-Aided Design 25(5): 267-268 (1993)
15EEJohn R. Woodwark: Patents? Pending! Computer-Aided Design 25(6): 331-332 (1993)
14EEJohn R. Woodwark: Architects of a wonderland for architects. Computer-Aided Design 25(7): 394 (1993)
13EEJohn R. Woodwark: Augmented reality. Computer-Aided Design 25(8): 466-467 (1993)
12EEJohn R. Woodwark: Cutting up CAD systems. Computer-Aided Design 24(10): 515-516 (1992)
11EEJohn R. Woodwark: Unsolved problems, please! Computer-Aided Design 24(12): 626 (1992)
10EEJohn R. Woodwark: Editorial. Computer-Aided Design 24(6): 290 (1992)
9EEJohn R. Woodwark: Visualization in CAD. Computer-Aided Design 24(7): 347 (1992)
8EEJohn R. Woodwark: Rapid prototyping in CAD. Computer-Aided Design 24(8): 403-404 (1992)
7EEJohn R. Woodwark: Letter to the editor. Computers & Graphics 14(1): 137 (1990)
6 Alan R. Halbert, Stephen Todd, John R. Woodwark: Generalizing Active Zones for Set-Theoretic Solid Models. Comput. J. 32(1): 86-89 (1989)
5EEJohn R. Woodwark: Comments on "extended octtrees". Computers & Graphics 13(4): 529 (1989)
4 Jane Burridge, Brian M. Collins, B. Neil Galton, Alan R. Halbert, Thomas R. Heywood, William H. Latham, Robert W. Phippen, Peter Quarendon, Paul Reilly, M. William Ricketts, John Simmons, Stephen Todd, Andrew G. N. Walter, John R. Woodwark: The WINSOM Solid Modeller and its Application to Data Visualization. IBM Systems Journal 28(4): 548-568 (1989)
3 John R. Woodwark: Compressed Quad Trees. Comput. J. 27(3): 225-229 (1984)
2 John R. Woodwark: The Explicit Quad Tree as a Structure for Computer Graphics. Comput. J. 25(2): 235-238 (1982)
1 Adrian Bowyer, Philip J. Willis, John R. Woodwark: A Multiprocessor Architecture for Solving Spatial Problems. Comput. J. 24(4): 353-357 (1981)

Coauthor Index

1Adrian Bowyer [1]
2Jane Burridge [4]
3Brian M. Collins [4]
4B. Neil Galton [4]
5Alan R. Halbert [4] [6]
6Thomas R. Heywood [4]
7William H. Latham [4]
8Robert W. Phippen [4]
9Peter Quarendon [4]
10Paul Reilly [4]
11M. William Ricketts [4]
12John Simmons [4]
13Stephen Todd [4] [6]
14Andrew G. N. Walter [4]
15Philip J. Willis [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)