
Malcolm Bersohn

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7EEM. Takahashi, I. Dogane, M. Yoshida, H. Yamachika, T. Takabatake, Malcolm Bersohn: The performance of a noninteractive synthesis program. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 30(4): 436-441 (1990)
6EEMalcolm Bersohn: A matrix method for partitioning the atoms of a molecule into equivalence classes. Computers & Chemistry 11(1): 67-72 (1987)
5 Malcolm Bersohn: Learning rules for graph transformations by induction from examples. Computational Intelligence 2: 191-195 (1986)
4EEMalcolm Bersohn, Keiller MacKay: Steps toward the Automatic Compilation of Synthetic Organic Reactions. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 19(3): 137-141 (1979)
3EEMalcolm Bersohn, Ashmeed Esack, Joseph Luchini: Some early developments in programming synthetic strategies. Computers & Chemistry 2(3-4): 105-112 (1978)
2EEMalcolm Bersohn: A sum algorithm for numbering the atoms of molecules. Computers & Chemistry 2(3-4): 113-116 (1978)
1EEMalcolm Bersohn, Ashmed Esack: A computer representation of synthetic organic reactions. Computers & Chemistry 1(2): 103-108 (1977)

Coauthor Index

1I. Dogane [7]
2Ashmed Esack [1]
3Ashmeed Esack [3]
4Joseph Luchini [3]
5Keiller MacKay [4]
6T. Takabatake [7]
7M. Takahashi [7]
8H. Yamachika [7]
9M. Yoshida [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)