
Fred Popowich

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33EEBaohua Gu, Fred Popowich, Verónica Dahl: Recognizing Biomedical Named Entities in Chinese Research Abstracts. Canadian Conference on AI 2008: 114-125
32EEZhongmin Shi, Gabor Melli, Yang Wang, Yudong Liu, Baohua Gu, Mehdi M. Kashani, Anoop Sarkar, Fred Popowich: Question Answering Summarization of Multiple Biomedical Documents. Canadian Conference on AI 2007: 284-295
31EEZhongmin Shi, Anoop Sarkar, Fred Popowich: Simultaneous Identification of Biomedical Named-Entity and Functional Relation Using Statistical Parsing Techniques. HLT-NAACL (Short Papers) 2007: 161-164
30EEFred Popowich: Using text mining and natural language processing for health care claims processing. SIGKDD Explorations 7(1): 59-66 (2005)
29EEKatia Dilkina, Fred Popowich: An Algorithm for Anaphora Resolution in Aviation Safety Reports. Canadian Conference on AI 2004: 534-539
28EEScott McDonald, Davide Turcato, Paul McFetridge, Fred Popowich, Janine Toole: Collocation Discovery for Optimal Bilingual Lexicon Development. Canadian Conference on AI 2000: 126-137
27EECaroline Barrière, Fred Popowich: Expanding the Type Hierarchy with Nonlexical Concepts. Canadian Conference on AI 2000: 53-68
26EEPetr Kubon, Fred Popowich, Gordon Tisher: An Extendable Natural Language Interface to a Consumer Service Database. Canadian Conference on AI 2000: 82-89
25 Maria M. Klawe, Ian Cavers, Fred Popowich, Grace Chen: ARC. Woman, Work and Computerization 2000: 94-101
24EEFred Popowich, Paul McFetridge, Davide Turcato, Janine Toole: Machine Translation of Closed Captions. Machine Translation 15(4): 311-341 (2000)
23EEDavide Turcato, Paul McFetridge, Fred Popowich, Janine Toole: A Unified Example-Based and Lexicalist Approach to Machine Translation CoRR cs.CL/9906034: (1999)
22EEJanine Toole, Fred Popowich, Devlan Nicholson, Davide Turcato, Paul McFetridge: Explanation-based Learning for Machine Translation CoRR cs.CL/9907008: (1999)
21EEDavide Turcato, Paul McFetridge, Fred Popowich, Janine Toole: A Bootstrap Approach to Automatically Generating Lexical Transfer Rules CoRR cs.CL/9907017: (1999)
20EEJanine Toole, Davide Turcato, Fred Popowich, Dan Fass, Paul McFetridge: Time-Constrained Machine Translation. AMTA 1998: 103-112
19EECaroline Barrière, Fred Popowich: Concept Clustering and Knowledge Integration from a Children's Dictionary CoRR cmp-lg/9703002: (1997)
18EEFred Popowich, Davide Turcato, Olivier Laurens, Paul McFetridge, Devlan Nicholson, Patrick McGivern, Maricela Corzo Pena, Lisa Pidruchney, Scott McDonald: A Lexicalist Approach to the Translation of Colloquial Text CoRR cmp-lg/9706024: (1997)
17 Carl Vogel, Fred Popowich: A Parametric Definition for a Family of Inheritance Reasoners. New Generation Comput. 15(3): 247-292 (1997)
16EECaroline Barrière, Fred Popowich: Concept clustering and knowledge integration from a children's dictionary. COLING 1996: 65-70
15 Fred Popowich: A Chart Generator for Shake and Bake Machine Translation. Canadian Conference on AI 1996: 97-108
14 Gary Hall, Fred Popowich, Dan Fass: Natural Language Edit Controls: Constrained Natural Language Devices in User Interfaces. ICTAI 1996: 475-477
13EEFred Popowich: A Chart Generator for Shake and Bake Machine Translation CoRR cmp-lg/9605017: (1996)
12EEPaul McFetridge, Fred Popowich, Dan Fass: An Analysis of Compounds in HPSG (Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar) for Database Queries. Data Knowl. Eng. 20(2): 195-209 (1996)
11 James Andrews, Verónica Dahl, Fred Popowich: Characterizing Logic Grammars: A Substructural Logic Approach. J. Log. Program. 26(3): 235-283 (1996)
10 Paul McFetridge, Fred Popowich, Dan Fass: An Analysis of Compounds in HPSG for Database Queries. NLDB 1995: 0-
9EEFred Popowich: Improving the Efficiency of a Generation Algorithm for Shake and Bake Machine Translation Using Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar CoRR cmp-lg/9505021: (1995)
8 Nick Cercone, Paul McFetridge, Jiawei Han, Fred Popowich: Human-Computer Interfaces: DBLEARN and System X. RSKD 1993: 32-43
7EEFred Popowich, Paul McFetridge, Dan Fass, Gary Hall: Processing Complex Noun Phrases In A Natural Language Interface To A Statistical Database. COLING 1992: 46-52
6 Fred Popowich, Carl Vogel: A Logic-Based Implementation of Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. Natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming Workshop 1991: 227-245
5 Verónica Dahl, Fred Popowich: Parsing and Generation with Static Discontinuity Grammars. New Generation Comput. 8(3): 245- (1990)
4 Fred Popowich: Tree Unification Grammar. ACL 1989: 228-236
3 Fred Popowich: Unrestricted gapping grammars. Computational Intelligence 2: 28-53 (1986)
2EEFred Popowich: Saumer: Sentence Analysis Using Metarules. EACL 1985: 48-56
1 Fred Popowich: Unrestrictd Gapping Grammars. IJCAI 1985: 765-768

Coauthor Index

1James Andrews [11]
2Caroline Barrière [16] [19] [27]
3Ian Cavers [25]
4Nick Cercone [8]
5Grace Chen [25]
6Verónica Dahl [5] [11] [33]
7Katia Dilkina [29]
8Dan Fass [7] [10] [12] [14] [20]
9Baohua Gu [32] [33]
10Gary Hall [7] [14]
11Jiawei Han [8]
12Mehdi M. Kashani [32]
13Maria M. Klawe [25]
14Petr Kubon [26]
15Olivier Laurens [18]
16Yudong Liu [32]
17Scott McDonald [18] [28]
18Paul McFetridge [7] [8] [10] [12] [18] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [28]
19Patrick McGivern [18]
20Gabor Melli [32]
21Devlan Nicholson [18] [22]
22Maricela Corzo Pena [18]
23Lisa Pidruchney [18]
24Anoop Sarkar [31] [32]
25Zhongmin Shi [31] [32]
26Gordon Tisher [26]
27Janine Toole [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [28]
28Davide Turcato [18] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [28]
29Carl Vogel [6] [17]
30Yang Wang [32]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)