
Patrick Saint-Dizier

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39EEClémentine Adam, Estelle Delpech, Patrick Saint-Dizier: Identifying and expanding titles in web texts. ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2008: 213-216
38EELionel Fontan, Patrick Saint-Dizier: Constructing a know-how repository of advices and warnings from procedural texts. ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2008: 249-252
37EELionel Fontan, Patrick Saint-Dizier: Analyzing Argumentative Structures in Procedural Texts. GoTAL 2008: 366-370
36EEVéronique Moriceau, Patrick Saint-Dizier: A Constraint-Based Model for Lexical and Syntactic Choice in Natural Language Generation. CSLP 2004: 184-204
35 Farah Benamara, Patrick Saint-Dizier: Advanced Relaxation for Cooperative Question Answering. New Directions in Question Answering 2004: 263-274
34EEFarah Benamara, Patrick Saint-Dizier: WEBCOOP: A Cooperative Question Answering System on the Web. EACL 2003: 63-66
33EEAna Fernandez, Gloria Vazquez, Patrick Saint-Dizier, Farah Benamara, Mouna Kamel: The VOLEM Project : a Framework for the Construction of Advanced Multilingual Lexicons. Language Engineering Conference 2002: 89
32EEFrançoise Gayral, Nathalie Pernelle, Patrick Saint-Dizier: On Verb Selectional Restrictions: Advantages and Limitations. Natural Language Processing 2000: 57-68
31EEAlda Mari, Patrick Saint-Dizier: Some Principles for Implementing Underspecification in NLP Systems. Natural Language Processing 2000: 69-80
30 Patrick Saint-Dizier: A Generative Lexicon Perspective for Adjectival Modification. COLING-ACL 1998: 1143-1149
29 Patrick Saint-Dizier: On the Polymorphic Behavior of Word-Senses. Informatica (Slovenia) 22(4): (1998)
28EEPatrick Saint-Dizier: Semantic Verb Classes and Lexical Conceptual Structures for Enhancing the Conceptual Modelling and the Access to Databases. Data Knowl. Eng. 21(2): 197-211 (1997)
27EEPatrick Saint-Dizier: Constructing Verb Semantic Classes for French: Methods and Evaluation. COLING 1996: 1127-1130
26 Patrick Saint-Dizier: Semantic Verb Classes and Lexical Conceptual Structures for Enhancing the Conceptual Modelling and the Access to Data Bases. NLDB 1995: 0-
25EEFlorence Pugeault, Patrick Saint-Dizier, Marie-Gaelle Monteil: Knowledge Extraction from Texts: a method for extracting predicate-argument structures from texts. COLING 1994: 1039-1043
24 Patrick Saint-Dizier: A Constraint Logic Programming Treatment of Syntactic Choice in Natural Language Generation. NLG 1992: 119-134
23EEPatrick Saint-Dizier: Processing Language with Logical Types and Active Constraints. EACL 1991: 57-62
22 Patrick Saint-Dizier: Logic Programming for Language Processing. ICLP 1991: 947
21 Patrick Saint-Dizier: Logic Programming Foundations for Processing Language with Logical Types and Active Constraints. Natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming Workshop 1991: 195-211
20 Patrick Saint-Dizier: The Knowledge-Based Computer System Development Program of India: A Review. AI Magazine 12(2): 33 (1991)
19EEHarold L. Somers, Natsuko Holden, Patrick Saint-Dizier, Angela Ralli: Book reviews. Machine Translation 6(1): 35-54 (1991)
18 Patrick Saint-Dizier: On Logic Programming Interpretations of Dislog: Programming Long-Distance Dependencies in Logic. ALP 1990: 232-246
17 Patrick Saint-Dizier: DISLOG: programming in logic with discontinuities. Computational Intelligence 6: 71-80 (1990)
16EEPatrick Saint-Dizier: Programming in Logic with Constraints for Natural Language Processing. EACL 1989: 87-94
15 Patrick Saint-Dizier: Parsing with Extended Unification Mechanisms. KBCS 1989: 353-362
14 C. Delaunay, Patrick Saint-Dizier: Un analyseur ascendant de langage naturel basé sur la théorie de gouvernement et liage. SPLT 1989: 237-264
13 Patrick Saint-Dizier: On the Expression of Government and Binding Principles by Contextual Discontinuous Grammars. AIMSA 1988: 283-290
12 Patrick Saint-Dizier: Deafault logic, natural language and generalized quantifiers. COLING 1988: 555-560
11 Patrick Saint-Dizier: Foundations of DISLOG, Programming in Logic with Discontinuities. ECAI 1988: 302-304
10 Patrick Saint-Dizier: Foundations of DISLOG, Programming in Logic with Discontinuities. FGCS 1988: 808-815
9 Patrick Saint-Dizier: Natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming - Workshop Report. AI Magazine 9(1): 119-120 (1988)
8 Patrick Saint-Dizier: A glance at artificial intelligence in France: editorial. Computational Intelligence 4: 143-145 (1988)
7 Patrick Saint-Dizier: Contextual Discontinuous Grammars. Natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming Workshop 1987: 29-43
6 Robin Cohen, Miguel Filgueiras, Martha Stone Palmer, Patrick Saint-Dizier, Stan Szpakowicz: On the Semantics of Natural Language Sentences in Logic Programming (Panel Session). Natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming Workshop 1987: 319-333
5 Verónica Dahl, Robert Levine, Hideo Miyoshi, Patrick Saint-Dizier, Edward P. Stabler Jr.: Logic Grammar and Linguistic Theories (Panel Session). Natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming Workshop 1987: 335-345
4 Patrick Saint-Dizier: Expression of syntactic and semantic features in logic-based grammars. Computational Intelligence 2: 1-8 (1986)
3 Patrick Saint-Dizier: An Approach to Natural-Language Semantics in Logic Programming. J. Log. Program. 3(4): 329-356 (1986)
2 Patrick Saint-Dizier: Handling Quantifier Scoping Ambiguities in a Semantic Representation of Natural Language Sentences. Natural Language Understanding and Natural Language Understanding Workshop 1984: 49-63
1 V. Granger, Patrick Saint-Dizier: Correction de fautes de grammaire et génération de langage naturel en PROLOG. SPLT 1984

Coauthor Index

1Clémentine Adam [39]
2Farah Benamara [33] [34] [35]
3Robin Cohen [6]
4Verónica Dahl [5]
5C. Delaunay [14]
6Estelle Delpech [39]
7Ana Fernandez [33]
8Miguel Filgueiras [6]
9Lionel Fontan [37] [38]
10Françoise Gayral [32]
11V. Granger [1]
12Natsuko Holden [19]
13Mouna Kamel [33]
14Robert Levine [5]
15Alda Mari [31]
16Hideo Miyoshi [5]
17Marie-Gaelle Monteil [25]
18Véronique Moriceau [36]
19Martha Palmer (Martha Stone Palmer) [6]
20Nathalie Pernelle [32]
21Florence Pugeault [25]
22Angela Ralli [19]
23Harold L. Somers [19]
24Edward P. Stabler (Edward P. Stabler Jr.) [5]
25Stan Szpakowicz [6]
26Gloria Vazquez [33]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)