Volume 85,
Number 1,
July 2001
- Hyung-Rae Kim, Soo Yong Kim, Hyojin Go, Dae-Jin Kim:
Synergetic analysis of spatio-temporal EEG patterns: Alzheimer's disease.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Laurent Poupard, Richard Sartène, Jean-Christophe Wallet:
Scaling behavior in ß-wave amplitude modulation and its relationship to alertness.
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- V. Sørensen, R. P. Ingvaldsen, H. T. A. Whiting:
The application of co-ordination dynamics to the analysis of discrete movements using table-tennis as a paradigm skill.
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- Thierry Pozzo, Mourad Ouamer, Christian Gentil:
Simulating mechanical consequences of voluntary movement upon whole-body equilibrium: the arm-raising paradigm revisited.
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- Shinji Doi, Shuhei Nabetani, Sadatoshi Kumagai:
Complex nonlinear dynamics of the Hodgkin-Huxley equations induced by time scale changes.
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- Mary D. Klein Breteler, Stan C. A. M. Gielen, Ruud G. J. Meulenbroek:
End-point constraints in aiming movements: effects of approach angle and speed.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
Volume 85,
Number 2,
August 2001
- Ralf Engbert, Reinhold Kliegl:
Mathematical models of eye movements in reading: a possible role for autonomous saccades.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Bruce A. Kay, William H. Warren Jr:
Coupling of posture and gait: mode locking and parametric excitation.
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- Tomoki Fukai, Seinichi Kanemura:
Noise-tolerant stimulus discrimination by synchronization with depressing synapses.
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- Yoshiki Kashimori, Satoru Inoue, Takeshi Kambara:
A neural mechanism of hyperaccurate detection of phase advance and delay in the jamming avoidance response of weakly electric fish.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Rahman Davoodi, Roman Kamnik, Brian Andrews, Tadej Bajd:
Predicting the voluntary arm forces in FES-assisted standing up using neural networks.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Maciej Kaminski, Mingzhou Ding, Wilson A. Truccolo, Steven L. Bressler:
Evaluating causal relations in neural systems: Granger causality, directed transfer function and statistical assessment of significance.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
Volume 85,
Number 3,
September 2001
- Jennifer M. Groh:
Converting neural signals from place codes to rate codes.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Sheryl J. Nisly-Nagele, Gerald S. Wasserman:
Dissociating sensory and cognitive contributions to visual persistence I. Photoreceptor response duration as a function of flash intensity, adaptation state, and candidate code.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Gerald S. Wasserman, Sheryl J. Nisly-Nagele:
Dissociating sensory and cognitive contributions to visual persistence II. Photoreceptor integration of flash pairs as a function of interflash interval, intensity, integration site, and candidate code.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Federica Censi, Vincenzo Barbaro, Pietro Bartolini, Giovanni Calcagnini, Antonio Michelucci, Sergio Cerutti:
Non-linear coupling of atrial activation processes during atrial fibrillation in humans.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Richard Woesler:
Object segmentation model: analytical results and biological implications.
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- Herrad Werner, Tim Richter:
Circular stationary solutions in two-dimensional neural fields.
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- Dmitriy Melkonian, Evian Gordon, Homayoun Bahramali:
Single-event-related potential analysis by means of fragmentary decomposition.
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- Y. A. Bedrov, O. E. Dick, A. D. Nozdrachev:
How is bursting mode maintained under the action of exo- and endogenous factors?
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Volume 85,
Number 4,
October 2001
- Hayaru Shouno, Koji Kurata:
Formation of a direction map by projection learning using Kohonen's self-organization map.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Anthony N. Burkitt:
Balanced neurons: analysis of leaky integrate-and-fire neurons with reversal potentials.
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- Fotios Giannakopoulos, U. Bihler, Christian Hauptmann, Heiko J. Luhmann:
Epileptiform activity in a neocortical network: a mathematical model.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Seiji Tanabe, Khashayar Pakdaman:
Noise-induced transition in excitable neuron models.
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- Kirsten E. I. Deurloo, Jan Holsheimer, Piet Bergveld:
The effect of subthreshold prepulses on the recruitment order in a nerve trunk analyzed in a simple and a realistic volume conductor model.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Andrew S. French, Ulli Höger, Shin-ichi Sekizawa, Päivi H. Torkkeli:
Frequency response functions and information capacities of paired spider mechanoreceptor neurons.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Miriam Zacksenhouse:
Sensitivity of basic oscillatory mechanisms for pattern generation and detection.
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- Xin Meng, Jinghua Xu, Fanji Gu:
Generalized dimension of the intersection between EEGs.
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- Tomoyuki Kimoto, Masato Okada:
Mixed state on a sparsely encoded associative memory model.
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Volume 85,
Number 5,
November 2001
- Natsuhiro Ichinose, Kazuyuki Aihara:
Detection of mutual determinism between a pair of spike trains.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Michael Grözinger, Jürgen Fell, Joachim Röschke:
Neural net classification of REM sleep based on spectral measures as compared to nonlinear measures.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Peter A. Tass:
Desynchronizing double-pulse phase resetting and application to deep brain stimulation.
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- Heiko Neumann, Luiz Pessoa, Thorsten Hansen:
Visual filling-in for computing perceptual surface properties.
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- Thomas Boß, Volker Diekmann, Reinhart Jürgens, Wolfgang Becker:
Sensor fusion by neural networks using spatially represented information.
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- Elad Yom-Tov, A. Grossman, Gideon F. Inbar:
Movement-related potentials during the performance of a motor task II: Cerebral areas activated during learning of the task.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Elad Yom-Tov, A. Grossman, Gideon F. Inbar:
Movement-related potentials during the performance of a motor task I: The effect of learning and force.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
Volume 85,
Number 6,
December 2001
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:51:17 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)