
Soo Yong Kim

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9EEKyungsik Kim, Soo Yong Kim, Deock-Ho Ha: Characteristics of networks in financial markets. Computer Physics Communications 177(1-2): 184-185 (2007)
8EESeunghyun Jin, Jaeseung Jeong, Dong-Gyu Jeong, Dae-Jin Kim, Soo Yong Kim: Nonlinear dynamics of the EEG separated by independent component analysis after sound and light stimulation. Biological Cybernetics 86(5): 395-401 (2002)
7EEHyung-Rae Kim, Soo Yong Kim, Hyojin Go, Dae-Jin Kim: Synergetic analysis of spatio-temporal EEG patterns: Alzheimer's disease. Biological Cybernetics 85(1): 1-17 (2001)
6 Sangbaek Han, Soo Yong Kim, Dong-yu. Jeong: Informational Approach to Stochastic Resonance of the Artificial Neuron. ICONIP 1998: 1437-1441
5 Sangbaek Han, Seunghyun Jin, Yeongsu Jeong, Jaeseung Jeong, Dae-Jin Kim, Chang-Hee Kim, Choon-Kil Kim, Soo Yong Kim: Can an Alpha-Induced Stimulator Enhance a Memory Process in the Brain? ICONIP 1998: 442-445
4 Hyung-Rae Kim, Dae-Jin Kim, Soo Yong Kim, Hyojin Go: Principal Pattern Analysis of Sleep Deprived Human EEG. ICONIP 1998: 449-454
3 Jaeseung Jeong, Moo Seong Kim, Soo Yong Kim: Tests for Deterministic Dynamics in EEG. ICONIP 1998: 455-458
2 Dong-Gyu Jeong, Soo-Young Lee, Soo Yong Kim: Analysis on the Nonlinear Transform of Weighted Sum Errors in Feedforward Neural Networks. ICONIP 1998: 510-513
1EEChang-Heon Woo, Soo Yong Kim, Sung-Nam Oh: A New Method for Extracting Map Elements by Their Colors and Shapes from Color Cartographic Maps. MVA 1996: 365-368

Coauthor Index

1Hyojin Go [4] [7]
2Deock-Ho Ha [9]
3Sangbaek Han [5] [6]
4Dong-Gyu Jeong [2] [8]
5Dong-yu. Jeong [6]
6Jaeseung Jeong [3] [5] [8]
7Yeongsu Jeong [5]
8Seunghyun Jin [5] [8]
9Chang-Hee Kim [5]
10Choon-Kil Kim [5]
11Dae-Jin Kim [4] [5] [7] [8]
12Hyung-Rae Kim [4] [7]
13Kyungsik Kim [9]
14Moo Seong Kim [3]
15Soo-Young Lee [2]
16Sung-Nam Oh [1]
17Chang-Heon Woo [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)