
Luiz Pessoa

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9EEHeiko Neumann, Luiz Pessoa, Thorsten Hansen: Interaction of ON and OFF pathways for visual contrast measurement. Biological Cybernetics 98(4): 353 (2008)
8EEHeiko Neumann, Luiz Pessoa, Thorsten Hansen: Visual filling-in for computing perceptual surface properties. Biological Cybernetics 85(5): 355-369 (2001)
7EEMatthias S. Keil, Gabriel Cristóbal, J. M. Hans du Buf, Boris Escalante-Ramírez, Luiz Pessoa: AMOVIP: Advanced Modeling of Visual Information Processing. ICIAP 1999: 1208-1213
6 Luiz Pessoa, Sergio Exel: Attentional Strategies for Object Recognition. IWANN (1) 1999: 850-859
5EELuiz Pessoa, Ana Paula Leitão: Complex cell prototype representation for face recognition. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 10(6): 1528-1531 (1999)
4 Luiz Pessoa, Sergio Exel, Alexandre Roque, Ana Leitao: Attentive Visual Recognition for Scene Exploration. ICONIP 1998: 1291-1294
3EEHeiko Neumann, Luiz Pessoa, Ennio Mingolla: A neural architecture of brightness perception: non-linear contrast detection and geometry-driven diffusion. Image Vision Comput. 16(6-7): 423-446 (1998)
2 Luiz Pessoa, Alexander Grunewald, Heiko Neumann, Enno Littmann: A Biological Neural Network of Visual Cell Responses: Static and Motion Processing. J. Braz. Comp. Soc. 4(1): (1997)
1EELuiz Pessoa, William D. Ross: A Neural Network Model of 3-D Lightness Perception. NIPS 1995: 844-850

Coauthor Index

1J. M. Hans du Buf [7]
2Gabriel Cristóbal [7]
3Boris Escalante-Ramírez [7]
4Sergio Exel [4] [6]
5Alexander Grunewald [2]
6Thorsten Hansen [8] [9]
7Matthias S. Keil [7]
8Ana Leitao [4]
9Ana Paula Leitão (Ana Paula Leitão Waaijenberg) [5]
10Enno Littmann [2]
11Ennio Mingolla [3]
12Heiko Neumann [2] [3] [8] [9]
13Alexandre Roque [4]
14William D. Ross [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)