Volume 1,
- Manuel Bronstein:
A Unification of Liouvillian Extensions.
5-24 BibTeX
- Leandro Caniglia:
How to Compute the Chow Form of an Unmixed Polynomial Ideal in Single Exponential Time.
25-41 BibTeX
- Helmut Meyn:
On the Construction of Irreducible Self-Reciprocal Polynomials Over Finite Fields.
43-53 BibTeX
- Harald Niederreiter:
A Short Proof for Explicit Formulas for Discrete Logarithms in Finite Fields.
55-57 BibTeX
- Rudolf Lidl, Winfried B. Müller, Alan Oswald:
Some Remarks on Strong Fibonacci Pseudoprimes.
59-65 BibTeX
- Johan P. Hansen, Henning Stichtenoth:
Group Codes on Certain Algebraic Curves with Many Rational Points.
67-77 BibTeX
- Françoise Bellegarde, Pierre Lescanne:
Termination by Completion.
79-96 BibTeX
- Wolfram Büttner, Klaus Estenfeld, Richard Schmid, Hans-Albert Schneider, Erik Tidén:
Symbolic Constraint Handling Through Unification in Finite Algebras.
97-118 BibTeX
- Harald Niederreiter:
An Enumeration Formula for Certain Irreducible Polynomials with an Application to the Construction of Irreducible Polynomials over the Binary Field.
119-124 BibTeX
- Wieb Bosma:
Canonical Bases for Cyclotomic Fields.
125-134 BibTeX
- Erich Kaltofen:
Computing the Irreducible Real Factors and Components of an Algebraic Curve.
135-148 BibTeX
- Keith O. Geddes, M. Lawrence Glasser, Reg A. Moore, Tony C. Scott:
Evaluation of Classes of Definite Integrals Involving Elementary Functions via Differentiation of Special Functions.
149-165 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:49:03 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)