
Keith O. Geddes

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19EEOrlando A. Carvajal, Frederick W. Chapman, Keith O. Geddes: Hybrid symbolic-numeric integration in multiple dimensions via tensor-product series. ISSAC 2005: 84-91
18EEKeith O. Geddes, Ha Q. Le, Ziming Li: Differential rational normal forms and a reduction algorithm for hyperexponential func. ISSAC 2004: 183-190
17EESergei A. Abramov, Jacques Carette, Keith O. Geddes, Ha Q. Le: Telescoping in the context of symbolic summation in Maple. J. Symb. Comput. 38(4): 1303-1326 (2004)
16EEKeith O. Geddes, Wei Wei Zheng: Exploiting fast hardware floating point in high precision computation. ISSAC 2003: 111-118
15 Masoud Kavian, R. G. McLenaghan, Keith O. Geddes: Application of Genetic Algorithms to the Algebraic Simplification of Tensor Polynomials. ISSAC 1997: 93-100
14EEMasoud Kavian, R. G. McLenaghan, Keith O. Geddes: MapleTensor: Progress Report on a New System for Performing Indicial and Component Tensor Calculations Using Symbolic Computation. ISSAC 1996: 204-211
13EEKeith O. Geddes, Gregory J. Fee: Hybrid Symbolic-Numeric Integration in MAPLE. ISSAC 1992: 36-41
12 Keith O. Geddes, M. Lawrence Glasser, Reg A. Moore, Tony C. Scott: Evaluation of Classes of Definite Integrals Involving Elementary Functions via Differentiation of Special Functions. Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput. 1: 149-165 (1990)
11EEKeith O. Geddes, L. Yohanes Stefanus: On the Risch-Norman Integration Method and Its Implementation in MAPLE. ISSAC 1989: 212-217
10 Bruce W. Char, Keith O. Geddes, Gaston H. Gonnet: GCDHEU: Heuristic Polynomial GCD Algorithm Based On Integer GCD Computation. J. Symb. Comput. 7(1): 31-48 (1989)
9 Keith O. Geddes, Gaston H. Gonnet, Trevor J. Smedley: Heuristic Methods for Operations With Algebraic Numbers. (Extended Abstract) ISSAC 1988: 475-480
8 Keith O. Geddes, Gaston H. Gonnet: A New Algorithm for Computing Symbolic Limits Using Hierarchical Series. ISSAC 1988: 490-495
7 Bruce W. Char, Gregory J. Fee, Keith O. Geddes, Gaston H. Gonnet, Michael B. Monagan: A Tutorial Introduction to Maple. J. Symb. Comput. 2(2): 179-200 (1986)
6 Stephen R. Czapor, Keith O. Geddes: A Comparison of Algorithms for the Symbolic Computation of Padé Approximants. EUROSAM 1984: 248-259
5 Bruce W. Char, Keith O. Geddes, Gaston H. Gonnet: GCDHEU: Heuristic Polynomial GCD Algorithm Based on Integer GCD Computation. EUROSAM 1984: 285-296
4 Bruce W. Char, Keith O. Geddes, W. Morven Gentleman, Gaston H. Gonnet: The design of maple: A compact, portable and powerful computer algebra system. EUROCAL 1983: 101-115
3 Keith O. Geddes: Convergence behavior of the Newton iteration for first order differential equations. EUROSAM 1979: 189-199
2EEKeith O. Geddes: Symbolic Computation of Padé Approximants. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 5(2): 218-233 (1979)
1EEKeith O. Geddes: Remark on ``Algorithm 424: Clenshaw-Curtis Quadrature [O1]''. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 5(2): 240 (1979)

Coauthor Index

1Sergei A. Abramov [17]
2Jacques Carette [17]
3Orlando A. Carvajal [19]
4Frederick W. Chapman [19]
5Bruce W. Char [4] [5] [7] [10]
6Stephen R. Czapor [6]
7Gregory J. Fee [7] [13]
8W. Morven Gentleman [4]
9M. Lawrence Glasser [12]
10Gaston H. Gonnet [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [10]
11Masoud Kavian [14] [15]
12Ha Q. Le [17] [18]
13Ziming Li [18]
14R. G. McLenaghan [14] [15]
15Michael B. Monagan [7]
16Reg A. Moore [12]
17Tony C. Scott [12]
18Trevor J. Smedley [9]
19L. Yohanes Stefanus [11]
20Wei Wei Zheng [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)