
Klaus Estenfeld

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9 Klaus Estenfeld, Hans-Albert Schneider, Dirk Taubner, Erik Tidén: Computer Aided Verification of Parallel Processes. VIS 1991: 208-226
8 Wolfram Büttner, Klaus Estenfeld, Hans Haugeneder, Peter Struss: Directions in AI Research and Applications at Siemens Corporate Research and Development. AI Magazine 11(1): 20-27 (1990)
7 Wolfram Büttner, Klaus Estenfeld, Richard Schmid, Hans-Albert Schneider, Erik Tidén: Symbolic Constraint Handling Through Unification in Finite Algebras. Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput. 1: 97-118 (1990)
6 Klaus Estenfeld: Bericht zur LP '88 - Fifth International Conference on Logic Programming. KI 3(1): 18 (1989)
5 Alexander Bockmayr, Klaus Estenfeld, Ulrich Furbach, Claus Jäkel: Ein Konstanzer Prolog-Workshop. KI 3(4): 15 (1989)
4 Klaus Estenfeld: 6th International Conference on Logic Programming. KI 3(4): 16 (1989)
3 Klaus Estenfeld: Prolog-Implementierung: Konzepte und Realisierungen. Informatik Spektrum 10(2): 67-78 (1987)
2 Klaus Estenfeld: A New Characterization Theorem of Tree-Transductions. Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 18(4/5): 187-204 (1982)
1 Klaus Estenfeld: Strukturelle Untersuchungen zur schwersten kontextfreien Sprache. Theoretical Computer Science 1977: 106-122

Coauthor Index

1Alexander Bockmayr [5]
2Wolfram Büttner [7] [8]
3Ulrich Furbach [5]
4Hans Haugeneder [8]
5Claus Jäkel [5]
6Richard Schmid [7]
7Hans-Albert Schneider [7] [9]
8Peter Struss [8]
9Dirk Taubner [9]
10Erik Tidén [7] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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