
Yanhe Zhu

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4EEJie Zhao, Gang Liu, Yubin Liu, Yanhe Zhu: Research on the Application of a Marsupial Robot for Coal Mine Rescue. ICIRA (2) 2008: 1127-1136
3EEYanhe Zhu, Jizhuang Fan, Qinxin Meng, Jie Zhao, Hegao Cai: Transparency Oriented Virtual Coupling Design: New Approach and Application to a Novel Admittance Haptic Device. ICIRA (2) 2008: 81-90
2EEYanhe Zhu, Jihong Yan, Jie Zhao, Hegao Cai: Autonomous Kinematic Self-Calibration of a Novel Haptic Device. IROS 2006: 4654-4659
1EEJihong Yan, Yanhe Zhu, Jie Zhao, Hegao Cai: Task Planner Design Based on Petri Net for Multi-robot Teleoperation over Internet. IROS 2006: 5220-5225

Coauthor Index

1Hegao Cai [1] [2] [3]
2Jizhuang Fan [3]
3Gang Liu [4]
4Yubin Liu [4]
5Qinxin Meng [3]
6Jihong Yan [1] [2]
7Jie Zhao [1] [2] [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)