
Jihong Yan

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6EEJihong Yan, Wanzhao Li: Group Technology Based Feature Extraction Methodology for Data Mining. FSKD (2) 2008: 235-239
5EEZhenzhong Yu, Jihong Yan, Jie Zhao, Yongsheng Gao, Hegao Cai: Architecture of Multi-Agent-Based Multi-Operator Multi-Mobile-Manipulator Teleoperation System. ICIRA (2) 2008: 17-26
4 Jihong Yan: Discovering Assignment Rules in Workforce Schedules Using Data Mining. DMIN 2006: 241-245
3EEYanhe Zhu, Jihong Yan, Jie Zhao, Hegao Cai: Autonomous Kinematic Self-Calibration of a Novel Haptic Device. IROS 2006: 4654-4659
2EEJihong Yan, Yanhe Zhu, Jie Zhao, Hegao Cai: Task Planner Design Based on Petri Net for Multi-robot Teleoperation over Internet. IROS 2006: 5220-5225
1 Jihong Yan, David Nembhard: Association Rules Discovery in Workforce Schedule Database. MLMTA 2006: 175-179

Coauthor Index

1Hegao Cai [2] [3] [5]
2Yongsheng Gao [5]
3Wanzhao Li [6]
4David Nembhard [1]
5Zhenzhong Yu [5]
6Jie Zhao [2] [3] [5]
7Yanhe Zhu [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)