
Bin Zheng

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5EEXingwei Wang, Bin Zheng, Shibo Li, John J. Mulvihill, Hong Liu: A rule-based computer scheme for centromere identification and polarity assignment of metaphase chromosomes. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 89(1): 33-42 (2008)
4EEXingwei Wang, Shibo Li, Hong Liu, Marc Wood, Wei R. Chen, Bin Zheng: Automated identification of analyzable metaphase chromosomes depicted on microscopic digital images. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 41(2): 264-271 (2008)
3EEBin Zheng, Claudia Mello-Thoms, Xiao-Hui Wang, David Gur: Improvement of Visual Similarity of Similar Breast Masses Selected by Computer-Aided Diagnosis Schemes. ISBI 2007: 516-519
2EEBin Zheng, David C. McLean Jr, Xinghua Lu: Identifying biological concepts from a protein-related corpus with a probabilistic topic model. BMC Bioinformatics 7: 58 (2006)
1EEAlex B. Kuang, Shahram Payandeh, Bin Zheng, Frank Henigman, Christine L. MacKenzie: Assembling Virtual Fixtures for Guidance in Training Environments. HAPTICS 2004: 367-374

Coauthor Index

1Wei R. Chen [4]
2David Gur [3]
3Frank Henigman [1]
4David C. McLean Jr [2]
5Alex B. Kuang [1]
6Shibo Li [4] [5]
7Hong Liu [4] [5]
8Xinghua Lu [2]
9Christine L. MacKenzie [1]
10Claudia Mello-Thoms [3]
11John J. Mulvihill [5]
12Shahram Payandeh [1]
13Xiao-Hui Wang [3]
14Xingwei Wang [4] [5]
15Marc Wood [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)