
Claudia Mello-Thoms

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6EEClaudia Mello-Thoms, Marie A. Ganott, Jules H. Sumkin, Christiane M. Hakim, Cynthia Britton, Luisa P. Wallace, Lara Hardesty: Different Search Patterns and Similar Decision Outcomes: How Can Experts Agree in the Decisions They Make When Reading Digital Mammograms?. Digital Mammography / IWDM 2008: 212-219
5EEBin Zheng, Claudia Mello-Thoms, Xiao-Hui Wang, David Gur: Improvement of Visual Similarity of Similar Breast Masses Selected by Computer-Aided Diagnosis Schemes. ISBI 2007: 516-519
4EEBrian E. Chapman, Dennis L. Parker, Janet O. Stapelton, Jay S. Tsuruda, Claudia Mello-Thoms, Bronwin Hamilton, Gregory L. Katzman, Kevin Moore: Diagnostic fidelity of the Z-buffer segmentation algorithm: preliminary assessment based on intracranial aneurysm detection. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 37(1): 19-29 (2004)
3 Claudia Mello-Thoms, Stanley M. Dunn, Calvin F. Nodine: The Perception of Breast Cancers: What Differentiates Missed from Reported Cancers. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 22(10): 1297-1306 (2003)
2EEClaudia Mello-Thoms, Calvin F. Nodine, Harold L. Kundel: What attracts the eye to the location of missed and reported breast cancers? ETRA 2002: 111-117
1EEClaudia Mello-Thoms, Stanley M. Dunn, Calvin F. Nodine, Harold L. Kundel: An analysis of perceptual errors in reading mammograms using quasi-local spatial frequency spectra. J. Digital Imaging 14(3): 117-123 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Cynthia Britton [6]
2Brian E. Chapman [4]
3Stanley M. Dunn [1] [3]
4Marie A. Ganott [6]
5David Gur [5]
6Christiane M. Hakim [6]
7Bronwin Hamilton [4]
8Lara Hardesty [6]
9Gregory L. Katzman [4]
10Harold L. Kundel [1] [2]
11Kevin Moore [4]
12Calvin F. Nodine [1] [2] [3]
13Dennis L. Parker [4]
14Janet O. Stapelton [4]
15Jules H. Sumkin [6]
16Jay S. Tsuruda [4]
17Luisa P. Wallace [6]
18Xiao-Hui Wang [5]
19Bin Zheng [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)