W. J. Toetenel
List of publications from the
2003 |
29 | EE | Bas Graaf,
Marco Lormans,
Hans Toetenel:
Embedded Software Engineering: The State of the Practice.
IEEE Software 20(6): 61-69 (2003) |
2002 |
28 | EE | R. F. Lutje Spelberg,
W. J. Toetenel:
Splitting Trees and Partition Refinement in Real-Time Model Checking.
HICSS 2002: 278 |
27 | EE | Bas Graaf,
Marco Lormans,
Hans Toetenel:
Software Technologies for Embedded Systems: An Industry Inventory.
PROFES 2002: 453-465 |
2001 |
26 | EE | Ella E. Roubtsova,
Jan van Katwijk,
Ruud C. M. de Rooij,
Hans Toetenel:
Transformation of UML Specification to XTG.
Ershov Memorial Conference 2001: 247-254 |
25 | EE | Hans Toetenel,
Ella E. Roubtsova,
Jan van Katwijk:
A Timed Automata Semantics for Real-Time UML Specifications.
HCC 2001: 88-95 |
24 | EE | G. Bandini,
R. F. Lutje Spelberg,
Ruud C. M. de Rooij,
Hans Toetenel:
Application of Parametric Model Checking - The Root Contention Protocol.
HICSS 2001 |
23 | | R. F. Lutje Spelberg,
W. J. Toetenel:
Parametric Real-Time Model Checking Using Splitting Trees.
Nord. J. Comput. 8(1): 88-120 (2001) |
2000 |
22 | EE | Hans Toetenel,
R. F. Lutje Spelberg,
G. Bandini:
Parametric verification of the IEEE 1394a Root Contention protocol using LPMC.
RTCSA 2000: 207-214 |
21 | EE | Jan van Katwijk,
Hans Toetenel,
Abd-El-Kader Sahraoui,
Eric Anderson,
Janusz Zalewski:
Specification and Verification of a Safety Shell with Statecharts and Extended Timed Graphs.
SAFECOMP 2000: 37-52 |
20 | EE | Ella E. Roubtsova,
Jan van Katwijk,
W. J. Toetenel,
Cornelis Pronk,
Ruud C. M. de Rooij:
Specification of Real-Time Systems in UML.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 39(3): (2000) |
1999 |
19 | EE | R. F. Lutje Spelberg,
Ruud C. M. de Rooij,
W. J. Toetenel:
Experiments with parametric verification of real-time systems.
ECRTS 1999: 123-130 |
1998 |
18 | EE | Marcel Ammerlaan,
R. F. Lutje Spelberg,
W. J. Toetenel:
XTG-an engineering approach to modelling and analysis of real-time systems.
ECRTS 1998: 88-97 |
17 | EE | R. F. Lutje Spelberg,
Hans Toetenel,
Marcel Ammerlaan:
Partition Refinement in Real-Time Model Checking.
FTRTFT 1998: 143-157 |
16 | EE | K. Brink,
L. J. G. Bun,
Jan van Katwijk,
R. F. Lutje Spelberg,
W. J. Toetenel:
Automatic Analysis of Embedded Systems Specified in Astral.
HICSS (3) 1998: 177-186 |
15 | | W. J. Toetenel:
TTT - A simple type-checked C language abstract data type generator.
Systems Implementation 2000 1998: 263-276 |
1997 |
14 | | K. Brink,
Jan van Katwijk,
R. F. Lutje Spelberg,
W. J. Toetenel:
Analyzing Schedulability of Astral Specifications using Extended Timed Automata.
Euro-Par 1997: 1290-1297 |
13 | EE | K. Brink,
Jan van Katwijk,
R. F. Lutje Spelberg,
W. J. Toetenel:
Experiences with analysis of formal specifications in Astral.
RTCSA 1997: 143- |
1996 |
12 | EE | Hans Toetenel,
R. F. Lutje Spelberg,
Sylvia Stuurman,
Jan van Katwijk:
Modeling and analysis of complex computer systems-the MTCCS approach.
ICECCS 1996: 423- |
11 | EE | K. Brink,
Jan van Katwijk,
W. J. Toetenel:
Ada 95 as implementation vehicle for formal specifications.
RTCSA 1996: 98-105 |
1995 |
10 | EE | K. Brink,
L. J. G. Bun,
Jan van Katwijk,
W. J. Toetenel:
Hybrid specification of control systems.
ICECCS 1995: 149- |
9 | EE | Jan van Katwijk,
W. J. Toetenel:
Comparing formal specifications by measuring.
RTCSA 1995: 184-191 |
8 | | Jan van Katwijk,
Hans Toetenel:
Loose Specification of Real Time Systems.
Informatica (Slovenia) 19(1): (1995) |
1994 |
7 | | Peter Gorm Larsen,
Nico Plat,
Hans Toetenel:
A Formal Semantics of Data Flow Diagrams.
Formal Asp. Comput. 6(6): 586-606 (1994) |
1993 |
6 | | Hans Toetenel:
Loose Real-Time Communicating Agents.
Semantics of Specification Languages 1993: 135-151 |
1992 |
5 | | Arlet Ottens,
Hans Toetenel:
Simulation of Mosca Specifications in Ada.
Ada-Europe 1992: 182-196 |
4 | | Hans Toetenel,
Jan van Katwijk:
Stepwise Development of Model-Oriented Real-Time Specifications from Action/Event Models.
FTRTFT 1992: 547-570 |
1991 |
3 | | Søren Prehn,
W. J. Toetenel:
VDM '91 - Formal Software Development, 4th International Symposium of VDM Europe, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, October 21-25, 1991, Proceedings, Volume 1: Conference Contributions
Springer 1991 |
2 | | Søren Prehn,
W. J. Toetenel:
VDM '91 - Formal Software Development, 4th International Symposium of VDM Europe, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, October 21-25, 1991, Proceedings, Volume 2: Tutorials
Springer 1991 |
1990 |
1 | | Nico Plat,
Ronald Huijsman,
Jan van Katwijk,
Gertjan van Oosten,
Kees Pronk,
Hans Toetenel:
Type Checking BSI/VDM-SL.
VDM Europe 1990: 399-425 |