
Bo Sandén

Bo Sanden

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22EEBo Sandén, Janusz Zalewski: Designing state-based systems with entity-life modeling. Journal of Systems and Software 79(1): 69-78 (2006)
21EEBo Sanden: Coping with Java Threads. IEEE Computer 37(4): 20-27 (2004)
20EEBo Sanden: Entity-Life Modeling: Modeling a Thread Architecture on the Problem Environment. IEEE Software 20(4): 70-78 (2003)
19EECharles Suscheck, Bo Sanden: A Construct for Effectively Implementing Semantic Associations. Journal of Object Technology 2(1): 101-111 (2003)
18EECharles Suscheck, Bo Sanden: A Construct for Effectively Implementing Semantic Associations. Journal of Object Technology 2(3): 101-111 (2003)
17EEBo Sanden: A Design Pattern for State Machines and Concurrent Activities. Ada-Europe 2001: 203-214
16 Andy J. Wellings, Bob Johnson, Bo Sanden, Jörg Kienzle, Thomas Wolf, Stephen Michell: Object-Oriented Programming and Protected Objects in Ada 95. Ada-Europe 2000: 16-28
15EEAndy J. Wellings, Bob Johnson, Bo Sanden, Jörg Kienzle, Thomas Wolf, Stephen Michell: Integrating object-oriented programming and protected objects in Ada 95. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 22(3): 506-539 (2000)
14EEBo Sanden: Concurrent Design Patterns for Resource Sharing. TRI-Ada 1997: 173-183
13 Bo Sanden: Modeling Concurrent Software. IEEE Software 14(5): 93-100 (1997)
12EEBo Sanden: The State-Machine Pattern. TRI-Ada 1996: 135-142
11 Bo Sanden: Design of Concurrent Software Based on Problem Concurrency. Ada-Europe 1995: 298-310
10EEBo Sanden: Modeling Problem-Domain Asynchrony. TRI-Ada Tutorials 1995: 27-69
9EEBo Sanden: Design of Concurrent Software. TRI-Ada Tutorials 1995: 5-26
8EEBo Sanden: Resource Sharing Deadlock Prevention. TRI-Ada Tutorials 1995: 70-103
7EEBo Sanden: Designing control systems with entity-life modeling. Journal of Systems and Software 28(3): 225-237 (1995)
6 Paul Ammann, Hassan Gomaa, A. Jefferson Offutt, David Rine, Bo Sanden: A Five Year Perspective on Software Engineering Graduate Programs at George Mason University. CSEE 1994: 473-488
5 Bo Sanden: Entity-Life Modeling and Structured Analysis in Real-Time Software Design - A Comparison. Commun. ACM 32(12): 1458-1466 (1989)
4 Bo Sanden: An Entity-Life Modeling Approach to the Design of Concurrent Software. Commun. ACM 32(3): 330-343, 346 (1989)
3EEBo Sanden: The Case for Electric Design of Real-Time Software. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 15(3): 360-362 (1989)
2EEBo Sanden: Correction to ``The Case for Electric Design of Real-Time Software''. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 15(7): 926 (1989)
1 Bo Sanden: Systems Programming with JSP: Example - A VDU Controller. Commun. ACM 28(10): 1059-1067 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1Paul Ammann [6]
2Hassan Gomaa [6]
3Bob Johnson [15] [16]
4Jörg Kienzle [15] [16]
5Stephen Michell [15] [16]
6A. Jefferson Offutt (Jeff Offutt) [6]
7David Rine [6]
8Charles Suscheck [18] [19]
9Andy J. Wellings [15] [16]
10Thomas Wolf [15] [16]
11Janusz Zalewski [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)