
Mark Zachry

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11EEMark Zachry, William Hart-Davidson, Clay Spinuzzi: Advances in understanding knowledge work: an experience report. SIGDOC 2008: 243-248
10EEWilliam Hart-Davidson, Clay Spinuzzi, Mark Zachry: Capturing & visualizing knowledge work: results & implications of a pilot study of proposal writing activity. SIGDOC 2007: 113-119
9EEMark Zachry, Clay Spinuzzi, William Hart-Davidson: Visual documentation of knowledge work: an examination of competing approaches. SIGDOC 2007: 120-126
8EERobert Pierce, Aristidis Protopsaltis, Brad Mehlenbacher, Mark Zachry: What is design of communication? SIGDOC 2007: 181
7EEMark Zachry, Clay Spinuzzi, William Hart-Davidson: Researching proposal development: accounting for the complexity of designing persuasive texts. SIGDOC 2006: 142-148
6EEClay Spinuzzi, William Hart-Davidson, Mark Zachry: Chains and ecologies: methodological notes toward a communicative-mediational model of technologically mediated writing. SIGDOC 2006: 43-50
5EEWilliam Hart-Davidson, Clay Spinuzzi, Mark Zachry: Visualizing writing activity as knowledge work: challenges & opportunities. SIGDOC 2006: 70-77
4EEMark Zachry, Kelli Cargile Cook, Brenton D. Faber, David Clark: The changing face of technical communication: new directions for the field in a new millennium. SIGDOC 2001: 248-260
3EEMark Zachry: The ecology of an online education site in professional communication. SIGDOC 2000: 433-442
2EEClay Spinuzzi, Mark Zachry: Genre ecologies: an open-system approach to understanding and constructing documentation. ACM Journal of Computer Documentation 24(3): 169-181 (2000)
1EEMark Zachry: Constructing usable documentation: a study of communicative practices and the early uses of mainframe computing in industry. SIGDOC 1999: 22-25

Coauthor Index

1David Clark [4]
2Kelli Cargile Cook [4]
3Brenton D. Faber [4]
4William Hart-Davidson [5] [6] [7] [9] [10] [11]
5Brad Mehlenbacher [8]
6Robert Pierce [8]
7Aristidis Protopsaltis [8]
8Clay Spinuzzi [2] [5] [6] [7] [9] [10] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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