
Brenton D. Faber

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5EEBrenton D. Faber: The problem of extraneous text: opposition to organizational change, dynamic & synoptic orientations. SIGDOC 2007: 235-240
4EEBrenton D. Faber: Tracing Genres through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design. By Clay Spinuzzi. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2003. xi + 246 pp., ISBN 0-262-19491-0. Inf. Process. Manage. 42(1): 326-330 (2006)
3EEBrenton D. Faber: Technologizing change: rhetoric of software implementation at a university campus. SIGDOC 2003: 171-177
2EEBrenton D. Faber: Educational models and open source: resisting the proprietary university. SIGDOC 2002: 31-38
1EEMark Zachry, Kelli Cargile Cook, Brenton D. Faber, David Clark: The changing face of technical communication: new directions for the field in a new millennium. SIGDOC 2001: 248-260

Coauthor Index

1David Clark [1]
2Kelli Cargile Cook [1]
3Mark Zachry [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)