
Ikuo Yoshihara

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16EEMoritoshi Yasunaga, Yoshiki Yamaguchi, Hiroshi Nakayama, Ikuo Yoshihara, Naoki Koizumi, Jung Hwan Kim: The Segmental-Transmission-Line: Its Design and Prototype Evaluation. ICES 2008: 130-140
15EEYoshiki Yamaguchi, Noriyuki Aibe, Moritoshi Yasunaga, Yorihisa Yamamoto, Takaaki Awano, Ikuo Yoshihara: Bio-Inspired Functional Asymmetry Camera System. ICONIP (2) 2007: 637-646
14EEHung Dinh Nguyen, Ikuo Yoshihara, Kunihito Yamamori, Moritoshi Yasunaga: Implementation of an Effective Hybrid GA for Large-Scale Traveling Salesman Problems. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 37(1): 92-99 (2007)
13EEHung Dinh Nguyen, Ikuo Yoshihara, Kunihito Yamamori, Moritoshi Yasunaga: A New Three-Level Tree Data Structure for Representing TSP Tours in the Lin-Kernighan Heuristic. IEICE Transactions 90-A(10): 2187-2193 (2007)
12EENaoki Koizumi, Ikuo Yoshihara, Kunihito Yamamori, Moritoshi Yasunaga: Variable length segmental-transmission-line and its parameter optimization based on GA. Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2005: 1576-1582
11EEMoritoshi Yasunaga, Ikuo Yoshihara, Jung Hwan Kim: Gene Finding Using Evolvable Reasoning Hardware. ICES 2003: 198-207
10EEKin'ya Takahashi, Kunihito Yamamori, Ikuo Yoshihara, Susumu Horiguchi: Comparison with Defect Compensation Methods for Feed-forward Neural Networks. PRDC 2002: 293-300
9 Moritoshi Yasunaga, Jung Hwan Kim, Ikuo Yoshihara: Evolvable Reasoning Hardware: Its Prototyping and Performance Evaluation. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 2(3): 211-230 (2001)
8EEMoritoshi Yasunaga, Ikuo Yoshihara, Jung Hwan Kim: A High Speed and High Fault Tolerant Reconfigurable Reasoning System: Toward a Wafer Scale Reconfigurable Reasoning LSI. DFT 2000: 69-77
7EEMoritoshi Yasunaga, Taro Nakamura, Jung Hwan Kim, Ikuo Yoshihara: Kernel-Based Pattern Recognition Hardware: Its Design Methodology Using Evolved Truth Tables. Evolvable Hardware 2000: 253-262
6EEMoritoshi Yasunaga, Jung Hwan Kim, Ikuo Yoshihara: The application of genetic algorithms to the design of reconfigurable reasoning VLSI chips. FPGA 2000: 116-125
5 Michael Yasunaga, Taro Nakamura, Ikuo Yoshihara, Jung Hwan Kim: Kernel Optimization in Pattern Recognition Using a Genetic Algorithm. GECCO 2000: 391
4 Ikuo Yoshihara, Tomoo Aoyama, Moritoshi Yasunaga: A Fast Model-Building Method for Time Series Using Genetic Programming. GECCO 2000: 537
3EEMoritoshi Yasunaga, Taro Nakamura, Ikuo Yoshihara, Jung Hwan Kim: Genetic Algorithm-Based Methodology for Pattern Recognition Hardware. ICES 2000: 264-273
2EETomoo Aoyama, Hanxi Zhu, Ikuo Yoshihara: Forecasting of the Chaos by Iterations Including Multi-Layer Neural-Network. IJCNN (4) 2000: 467-471
1 Ikuo Yoshihara: Book Review: Genetic Programming IV. Artificial Life 3(4): 335-336 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Noriyuki Aibe [15]
2Tomoo Aoyama [2] [4]
3Takaaki Awano [15]
4Susumu Horiguchi [10]
5Jung Hwan Kim [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11] [16]
6Naoki Koizumi [12] [16]
7Taro Nakamura [3] [5] [7]
8Hiroshi Nakayama [16]
9Hung Dinh Nguyen [13] [14]
10Kin'ya Takahashi [10]
11Yoshiki Yamaguchi [15] [16]
12Kunihito Yamamori [10] [12] [13] [14]
13Yorihisa Yamamoto [15]
14Michael Yasunaga [5]
15Moritoshi Yasunaga [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]
16Hanxi Zhu [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)