
Kang Yi

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9EEKang Yi, Shih-Yang Cheng, Young-Hwan Park, Fadi J. Kurdahi, Ahmed M. Eltawil: An Alternative Organization of Defect Map for Defect-Resilient Embedded On-Chip Memories. Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference 2007: 102-113
8EEKang Yi, Kyeong-Hoon Jung, Shih-Yang Cheng, Young-Hwan Park, Fadi J. Kurdahi, Ahmed M. Eltawil: Design and Analysis of Low Power Image Filters Toward Defect-Resilient Embedded Memories for Multimedia SoCs. Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference 2006: 295-308
7EEKang Yi, Kyeong-Hoon Jung: Partnership Between Venture Companies and Universities Through Student's Extra-Curriculum Activities. MSE 2005: 79-80
6EEDong-ha Lee, Kyeong-Hoon Jung, Kang Yi, Yun-Seok Cho, Youn-Sik Han, Deuk-Cheol Kang: Development of Partnership Between Industry and University via Customized Field-Oriented Curriculum. MSE 2005: 81-82
5EEKyoung-Sun Jhang, Kang Yi, Soo Yun Hwang: A Two-Level On-Chip Bus System Based on Multiplexers. Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference 2004: 363-372
4 Seong Yong Ohm, Ki-Yeol Ryu, Kang Yi: Lower Bound Estimation on the Numbers of LUT Blocks and Micro-Registers for Time-Mulitplexed FPGA Synthesis. Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms 2003: 321-324
3EEKang Yi, Seong Yong Ohm: A Fast and Exact Cell Matching Method for MUX-Based FPGA Technology Mapping. ICCD 1999: 319-320
2 Michal Servít, Kang Yi: Technology mapping by binate covering. FPL 1997: 203-212
1 Kang Yi, Chu Shik Jhon: A New FPGA Technology Mapping Approach by Cluster Merging. FPL 1996: 366-370

Coauthor Index

1Shih-Yang Cheng [8] [9]
2Yun-Seok Cho [6]
3Ahmed M. Eltawil [8] [9]
4Youn-Sik Han [6]
5Soo Yun Hwang [5]
6Kyoung-Sun Jhang [5]
7Chu Shik Jhon [1]
8Kyeong-Hoon Jung [6] [7] [8]
9Deuk-Cheol Kang [6]
10Fadi J. Kurdahi [8] [9]
11Dong-ha Lee [6]
12Seong Yong Ohm [3] [4]
13Young-Hwan Park [8] [9]
14Ki-Yeol Ryu [4]
15Michal Servít [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)