
Dong Xuan

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45EEZhimin Yang, Adam C. Champion, Boxuan Gu, Xiaole Bai, Dong Xuan: Link-layer protection in 802.11i WLANS with dummy authentication. WISEC 2009: 131-138
44EENan Xu, Fan Zhang, Yisha Luo, Weijia Jia, Dong Xuan, Jin Teng: Stealthy video capturer: a new video-based spyware in 3G smartphones. WISEC 2009: 69-78
43EEXun Wang, Wenjun Gu, Kurt Schosek, Sriram Chellappan, Dong Xuan: Sensor network configuration under physical attacks. IJAHUC 4(3/4): 174-182 (2009)
42EEWenjun Gu, Zhimin Yang, Can Que, Dong Xuan, Weijia Jia: On Security Vulnerabilities of Null Data Frames in IEEE 802.11 Based WLANs. ICDCS 2008: 28-35
41EEXun Wang, Wei Yu, Xinwen Fu, Dong Xuan, Wei Zhao: iLOC: An invisible LOCalization Attack to Internet Threat Monitoring Systems. INFOCOM 2008: 1930-1938
40EEXiaole Bai, Ziqiu Yun, Dong Xuan, Ten-Hwang Lai, Weijia Jia: Deploying Four-Connectivity and Full-Coverage Wireless Sensor Networks. INFOCOM 2008: 296-300
39EEXiaole Bai, Dong Xuan, Ziqiu Yun, Ten-Hwang Lai, Weijia Jia: Complete optimal deployment patterns for full-coverage and k-connectivity (k<=6) wireless sensor networks. MobiHoc 2008: 401-410
38EEAi Chen, Ten-Hwang Lai, Dong Xuan: Measuring and guaranteeing quality of barrier-coverage in wireless sensor networks. MobiHoc 2008: 421-430
37EEWei Yu, Sriram Chellappan, Xun Wang, Dong Xuan: Peer-to-peer system-based active worm attacks: Modeling, analysis and defense. Computer Communications 31(17): 4005-4017 (2008)
36EEWei Yu, Xinwen Fu, Steve Graham, Dong Xuan, Wei Zhao: DSSS-Based Flow Marking Technique for Invisible Traceback. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2007: 18-32
35EEZhimin Yang, Eylem Ekici, Dong Xuan: A Localization-Based Anti-Sensor Network System. INFOCOM 2007: 2396-2400
34EESriram Chellappan, Wenjun Gu, Xiaole Bai, Dong Xuan, Bin Ma, Kaizhong Zhang: Deploying Wireless Sensor Networks under Limited Mobility Constraints. IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 6(10): 1142-1157 (2007)
33EEWenjun Gu, Xiaole Bai, Sriram Chellappan, Dong Xuan, Weijia Jia: Network Decoupling: A Methodology for Secure Communications in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 18(12): 1784-1796 (2007)
32EESriram Chellappan, Xiaole Bai, Bin Ma, Dong Xuan, Changqing Xu: Mobility Limited Flip-Based Sensor Networks Deployment. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 18(2): 199-211 (2007)
31EEWei Yu, Xun Wang, Prasad Calyam, Dong Xuan, Wei Zhao: On Detecting Camouflaging Worm. ACSAC 2006: 235-244
30EELi Xiao, Xiaomei Liu, Wenjun Gu, Dong Xuan, Yunhao Liu: A design of overlay anonymous multicast protocol. IPDPS 2006
29EEXiaole Bai, Santosh Kumar, Dong Xuan, Ziqiu Yun, Ten-Hwang Lai: Deploying wireless sensors to achieve both coverage and connectivity. MobiHoc 2006: 131-142
28EEWei Yu, Thang Nam Le, Jangwon Lee, Dong Xuan: Effective query aggregation for data services in sensor networks. Computer Communications 29(18): 3733-3744 (2006)
27EEShengquan Wang, Zhibin Mai, Dong Xuan, Wei Zhao: Design and Implementation of QoS-Provisioning System for Voice over IP. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 17(3): 276-288 (2006)
26EEXun Wang, Sriram Chellappan, Phillip Boyer, Dong Xuan: On the Effectiveness of Secure Overlay Forwarding Systems under Intelligent Distributed DoS Attacks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 17(7): 619-632 (2006)
25EEWei Yu, Sriram Chellappan, Dong Xuan, Wei Zhao: Distributed policy processing in active-service based infrastructures. Int. J. Communication Systems 19(7): 727-750 (2006)
24EELi Xiao, Yunhao Liu, Wenjun Gu, Dong Xuan, Xiaomei Liu: Mutual anonymous overlay multicast. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 66(9): 1205-1216 (2006)
23EEXun Wang, Wenjun Gu, Kurt Schosek, Sriram Chellappan, Dong Xuan: Sensor Network Configuration Under Physical Attacks. ICCNMC 2005: 23-32
22EEWei Yu, Sriram Chellappan, Dong Xuan: P2P/Grid-based overlay architecture to support VoIP services in large-scale IP networks. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 21(1): 209-219 (2005)
21EEShengquan Wang, Dong Xuan, Wei Zhao: Analyzing and enhancing the resilience of structured peer-to-peer systems. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 65(2): 207-219 (2005)
20EEDong Xuan, Sriram Chellappan, Xun Wang, Shengquan Wang: Analyzing the Secure Overlay Services Architecture under Intelligent DDoS Attacks. ICDCS 2004: 408-417
19EEXinwen Fu, Bryan Graham, Dong Xuan, Riccardo Bettati, Wei Zhao: Empirical and Theoretical Evaluation of Active Probing Attacks and Their Countermeasures. Information Hiding 2004: 266-281
18EEWeijia Jia, Dong Xuan, Wanqing Tu, Lidong Lin, Wei Zhao: Distributed Admission Control for Anycast Flows. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 15(8): 673-686 (2004)
17EEShengquan Wang, Dong Xuan, Riccardo Bettati, Wei Zhao: Providing absolute differentiated services for real-time applications in static-priority scheduling networks. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 12(2): 326-339 (2004)
16 Wei Yu, Dong Xuan, Sandeep K. Reddy, Riccardo Bettati, Wei Zhao: Distributed Policy Processing in Virtual Private Operation Environment for Large Scale Networks. IAW 2003: 84-91
15EEXinwen Fu, Bryan Graham, Riccardo Bettati, Wei Zhao, Dong Xuan: Analytical and Empirical Analysis of Countermeasures to Traffic Analysis Attacks. ICPP 2003: 483-492
14EEShengquan Wang, Dong Xuan, Riccardo Bettati, Wei Zhao: A Study of Providing Statistical QoS in a Differentiated Sevices Network. NCA 2003: 297-304
13 Byung-Kyu Choi, Dong Xuan, Riccardo Bettati, Wei Zhao, Chengzhi Li: Utilization-Based Admission Control for Scalable Real-Time Communication. Real-Time Systems 24(2): 171-202 (2003)
12EEShengquan Wang, Zhibin Mai, Walt Magnussen, Dong Xuan, Wei Zhao: Implementation of QoS-Provisioning System for Voice over IP. IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium 2002: 266-275
11EEDong Xuan, Weijia Jia: Distributed Admission Control for Anycast Flows with QoS Requirements. ICDCS 2001: 292-300
10EEShengquan Wang, Dong Xuan, Riccardo Bettati, Wei Zhao: Providing Absolute Differentiated Services with Statistical Guarantees in Static-Priority Scheduling Networks. IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium 2001: 127-129
9EEShengquan Wang, Dong Xuan, Riccardo Bettati, Wei Zhao: Differentiated Services with Statistical Real-Time Guarantees in Static-Priority Scheduling Networks. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 2001: 289-298
8EEShengquan Wang, Dong Xuan, Riccardo Bettati, Wei Zhao: Providing Absolute Differentiated Services for Real-Time Application in Static-Priority Scheduling Networks. INFOCOM 2001: 669-678
7 Yong Guan, Xinwen Fu, Dong Xuan, P. U. Shenoy, Riccardo Bettati, Wei Zhao: NetCamo: camouflaging network traffic for QoS-guaranteed mission critical applications. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 31(4): 253-265 (2001)
6EEByung-Kyu Choi, Dong Xuan, Chengzhi Li, Riccardo Bettati, Wei Zhao: Scalable QoS Guaranteed Communication Services for Real-Time Applications. ICDCS 2000: 180-187
5EEDong Xuan, Chengzhi Li, Riccardo Bettati, Jianer Chen, Wei Zhao: Utilization-Based Admission Control for Real-Time Applications. ICPP 2000: 251-
4EEDong Xuan, Weijia Jia, Wei Zhao, Hongwen Zhu: A Routing Protocol for Anycast Messages. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 11(6): 571-588 (2000)
3EEWeijia Jia, Gaochao Xu, Dong Xuan, Wei Zhao: An Efficient Fault-Tolerant Multicast Routing Protocol with Core-Based Tree Techniques. ICPP 1999: 508-515
2EEWeijia Jia, Wei Zhao, Dong Xuan, Gaochao Xu: An Efficient Fault-Tolerant Multicast Routing Protocol with Core-Based Tree Techniques. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 10(10): 984-1000 (1999)
1EEDong Xuan, Weijia Jia, Wei Zhao: Routing Algorithms for Anycast Messages. ICPP 1998: 122-

Coauthor Index

1Xiaole Bai [29] [32] [33] [34] [39] [40] [45]
2Riccardo Bettati [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [19]
3Phillip Boyer [26]
4Prasad Calyam [31]
5Adam C. Champion [45]
6Sriram Chellappan [20] [22] [23] [25] [26] [32] [33] [34] [37] [43]
7Ai Chen [38]
8Jianer Chen [5]
9Byung Kyu Choi (Byung-Kyu Choi) [6] [13]
10Eylem Ekici [35]
11Xinwen Fu [7] [15] [19] [36] [41]
12Bryan Graham [15] [19]
13Steve Graham [36]
14Boxuan Gu [45]
15Wenjun Gu [23] [24] [30] [33] [34] [42] [43]
16Yong Guan [7]
17Weijia Jia [1] [2] [3] [4] [11] [18] [33] [39] [40] [42] [44]
18Santosh Kumar [29]
19Ten-Hwang Lai [29] [38] [39] [40]
20Thang Nam Le [28]
21Jangwon Lee [28]
22Chengzhi Li [5] [6] [13]
23Lidong Lin [18]
24Xiaomei Liu [24] [30]
25Yunhao Liu [24] [30]
26Yisha Luo [44]
27Bin Ma [32] [34]
28Walt Magnussen [12]
29Zhibin Mai [12] [27]
30Can Que [42]
31Sandeep K. Reddy [16]
32Kurt Schosek [23] [43]
33P. U. Shenoy [7]
34Jin Teng [44]
35Wanqing Tu [18]
36Shengquan Wang [8] [9] [10] [12] [14] [17] [20] [21] [27]
37Xun Wang [20] [23] [26] [31] [37] [41] [43]
38Li Xiao [24] [30]
39Changqing Xu [32]
40Gaochao Xu [2] [3]
41Nan Xu [44]
42Zhimin Yang [35] [42] [45]
43Wei Yu [16] [22] [25] [28] [31] [36] [37] [41]
44Ziqiu Yun [29] [39] [40]
45Fan Zhang [44]
46Kaizhong Zhang [34]
47Wei Zhao [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [21] [25] [27] [31] [36] [41]
48Hongwen Zhu [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)