
Theodor G. Wyeld

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22 Theodor G. Wyeld, Sarah Kenderdine, Michael Docherty: Virtual Systems and Multimedia, 13th International Conference, VSMM 2007, Brisbane, Australia, September 23-26, 2007, Revised Selected Papers Springer 2008
21EEEkaterina Prasolova-Førland, Theodor G. Wyeld, Anders E. Lindås: Developing Virtual Heritage Application with 3D Collaborative Virtual Environments and Mobile Devices in a Multi-cultural Team: Experiences and Challenges. ICONS 2008: 108-113
20EETheodor G. Wyeld: Encoded Cultural Heritage Knowledge in Australian Aboriginal Traditional Representation of Country. IV 2008: 439-446
19EETheodor G. Wyeld, Ekaterina Prasolova-Førland, Teng-Wen Chang: 3D Remote Design Collaboration: A Pedagogical Case Study of the Cross-Cultural Issues Raised. CSCWD 2007: 220-225
18EEOnn Azraai Puade, Theodor G. Wyeld: Visualising Collaboration: Qualitative Analysis of an Email Visualisation Case Study. IV 2007: 163-167
17EETheodor G. Wyeld: Visualising Australian Indigenous Knowledge Practices Using The Game Engine. IV 2007: 395-396
16EETheodor G. Wyeld, Malcolm Pumpa: Narratological Constructs in the Gestalt of the 3D Game environment: Aboriginal Knowledge and its Connection to the Data Landscape Metaphor. IV 2007: 397-401
15EETheodor G. Wyeld: A Non-Expert Organised Visual Database: a Case Study in Using the Amazon Metric to Search Images. IV 2007: 431-435
14EEEkaterina Prasolova-Førland, Theodor G. Wyeld, Teng-Wen Chang: Constructing a Virtual Tower of Babel: A Case Study in Cross-Cultural Collaboration Across Three Continents. VSMM 2007: 143-153
13EETheodor G. Wyeld, Patrick Crogan, Brett Leavy: A Conversation on the Efficacies of the Game Engine to Address Notions of Sacred Space: The Digital Songlines Project and Transgressions of Sacredness. VSMM 2007: 24-34
12EETheodor G. Wyeld, Ekaterina Prasolova-Førland, Teng-Wen Chang: Virtually Collaborating Across Cultures: A Case Study of an Online Theatrical Performance in a 3DCVE Spanning Three Continents. ICALT 2006: 1076-1078
11EEOnn Azraai Puade, Theodor G. Wyeld: A Qualitative Assessment of Communicating Spatial Concepts in Virtual and Physical Environments via a Text-Based Medium. ICALT 2006: 81-83
10EEMalcolm Pumpa, Theodor G. Wyeld, Barbara Adkins: Performing Traditional Knowledge using a Game Engine: Communicating and Sharing Australian Aboriginal Knowledge Practices. ICALT 2006: 810-814
9EEOnn Azraai Puade, Theodor G. Wyeld: Visualising Collaboration via Email: Finding the Key Players. IV 2006: 124-129
8EEMalcolm Pumpa, Theodor G. Wyeld: Database and Narratological Representation of Australian Aboriginal Knowledge as Information Visualisation using a Game Engine. IV 2006: 237-244
7EETheodor G. Wyeld, Robert M. Colomb: Using the Amazon Metric to Construct an Image Database based on what people do, not what they say. IV 2006: 74-79
6EECraig Gibbons, Theodor G. Wyeld, Brett Leavy, James Hills: Creating an Authentic Aural Experience in the Digital Songlines Game Engine: Part of a Contextualised Cultural Heritage Knowledge Toolkit. VSMM 2006: 530-535
5EETheodor G. Wyeld: Role play in 3D virtual environments: a pedagogic case study. CHINZ 2005: 61-66
4EETheodor G. Wyeld: The Pedagogical Benefits of Stepping Outside the Perspective Paradigm: Challenging the Ubiquity of Western Visual Culture. ICALT 2005: 1047-1051
3EETheodor G. Wyeld: The Pedagogical Benefits of Remote Design Collaboration in a 3D Virtual Environment: A Case Study. ICALT 2005: 824-826
2EETheodor G. Wyeld: 3D Information Visualisation: A Historical Perspective. IV 2005: 593-598
1EEDesmond Schmidt, Theodor G. Wyeld: A novel user interface for online literary documents. OZCHI 2005

Coauthor Index

1Barbara Adkins [10]
2Teng-Wen Chang [12] [14] [19]
3Robert M. Colomb [7]
4Patrick Crogan [13]
5Michael Docherty [22]
6Craig Gibbons [6]
7James Hills [6]
8Sarah Kenderdine [22]
9Brett Leavy [6] [13]
10Anders E. Lindås [21]
11Ekaterina Prasolova-Førland [12] [14] [19] [21]
12Onn Azraai Puade [9] [11] [18]
13Malcolm Pumpa [8] [10] [16]
14Desmond Schmidt [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)