
Mark Woodman

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26EETosca Lahiri, Mark Woodman: A Business Service Selection Model for Automated Web Service Discovery Requirements. ICEIS 2009: 790-803
25EEAbou-Bakr Abdel-Moteleb, Mark Woodman: Towards a Knowledge Management System Development Method: Critique of Some Relevant Theories and Methodologies. JIKM 6(1): 33-43 (2007)
24 Tosca Lahiri, Mark Woodman: Web Service Architectures Need Constraining Standards: An Agenda for Developing Systems without Client-Side Software Adapters. IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering 2006: 45-52
23EEHelen Sharp, Mark Woodman, Fiona Hovenden: Using Metaphor to Analyse Qualitative Data: Vulcans and Humans in Software Development. Empirical Software Engineering 10(3): 343-365 (2005)
22EEHelen C. Sharp, Mark Woodman, Fiona Hovenden: Tensions around the adoption and evolution of software quality management systems: a discourse analytic approach. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 61(2): 219-236 (2004)
21EEDarren Dalcher, Mark Woodman: Together We Stand: Group Projects for Integrating Software Engineering in the Curriculum. CSEE&T 2003: 193-
20EEOddur Benediktsson, Darren Dalcher, Karl Reed, Mark Woodman: COCOMO-Based Effort Estimation for Iterative and Incremental Software Development. Software Quality Journal 11(4): 265-281 (2003)
19EEJosie Taylor, Mark Woodman, Tamara Sumner, Canan Tosunoglu Blake: Peering Through a Glass Darkly: Integrative evaluation of an on-line course. Educational Technology & Society 3(4): (2000)
18EEHelen Sharp, Hugh Robinson, Mark Woodman: Software Engineering: Community and Culture. IEEE Software 17(1): (2000)
17 K. Watkins, Mark Woodman, Darrel C. Ince: The evaluation of access costs in object databases. Information & Software Technology 42(8): 557-569 (2000)
16EEHelen Sharp, Mark Woodman, Fiona Hovenden, Hugh Robinson: The Role of 'Culture' in Successful Software Process Improvement. EUROMICRO 1999: 2170-
15EEMark Woodman, Josie Taylor: Balancing the Multimedia Mix in a Large Scale Distance Education Course. EUROMICRO 1999: 2406-2414
14EEMark Woodman, Robert Griffiths, Malcolm Macgregor, Simon Holland: OU LearningWorks: A Customized Programming Environment for Smalltalk Modules. ICSE 1999: 638-641
13EEMark Woodman, Robert Griffiths, Malcolm Macgregor, Simon Holland, Hugh Robinson: Exploiting Smalltalk Modules in a Customizable Programming Environment. ICSE 1999: 65-74
12EEMark Woodman, Robert Griffiths, Simon Holland, Hugh Robinson, Malcolm Macgregor: Employing Object Technology to Expose Fundamental Object Concepts. TOOLS (29) 1999: 371-383
11EEMalcolm Macgregor, Pete Thomas, Mark Woodman: Recording User Actions in a Smalltalk Programming Environment. TOOLS (30) 1999: 280-289
10EERobert Griffiths, Mark Woodman, Simon Holland, Malcolm Macgregor, Hugh Robinson: Separable UI Architectures in Teaching Object Technology. TOOLS (30) 1999: 290-299
9EESimon Holland, Robert Griffiths, Mark Woodman: Avoiding object misconceptions. SIGCSE 1997: 131-134
8EEMark Woodman, Robert Griffiths, Simon Holland, Andrew Law: The object shop - Using CD-ROM multimedia to introduce object concepts. SIGCSE 1997: 345-349
7EEMark Woodman, Gordon Davies, Simon Holland: The joy of software - starting with objects. SIGCSE 1996: 88-92
6 Mark Woodman, Gordon Davies: Software Engineering concepts for distance learning. Teleteaching 1993: 935-946
5 Mark Woodman: A Taste of the Modula-2 Standard. SIGPLAN Notices 28(9): 15-24 (1993)
4 S. Hekmatpour, Mark Woodman: Formal Specification of Graphical Notations and Graphical Software Tools. ESEC 1987: 297-305
3 Darrel C. Ince, Mark Woodman: The Rapid Generation of a Class of Software Tools. Comput. J. 29(2): 151-160 (1986)
2 Mark Woodman: Formatted Syntaxes and Modula. Softw., Pract. Exper. 16(7): 605-625 (1986)
1 Mark Woodman, Darrel C. Ince: A Software Tool for the Construction and Maintenance of Structured Analysis Notation. Softw., Pract. Exper. 15(11): 1057-1072 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1Abou-Bakr Abdel-Moteleb [25]
2Oddur Benediktsson [20]
3Canan Tosunoglu Blake [19]
4Darren Dalcher [20] [21]
5Gordon Davies [6] [7]
6Robert Griffiths [8] [9] [10] [12] [13] [14]
7S. Hekmatpour [4]
8Simon Holland [7] [8] [9] [10] [12] [13] [14]
9Fiona Hovenden [16] [22] [23]
10Darrel C. Ince [1] [3] [17]
11Tosca Lahiri [24] [26]
12Andrew Law [8]
13Malcolm Macgregor [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
14Karl Reed [20]
15Hugh Robinson [10] [12] [13] [16] [18]
16Helen Sharp (Helen C. Sharp) [16] [18] [22] [23]
17Tamara Sumner [19]
18Josie Taylor [15] [19]
19Pete Thomas [11]
20K. Watkins [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)