
Simon Holland

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18EESimon Holland, Paul Marshall, Jon Bird, Nick Sheep Dalton, Richard Morris, Nadia Pantidi, Yvonne Rogers, Andy Clark: Running up Blueberry Hill: prototyping whole body interaction in harmony space. Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2009: 93-98
17EEPatrick Hill, Simon Holland, Robin C. Laney: Symmetric composition of musical concerns. AOSD 2006: 226-236
16 Simon Holland: A First Empirical Study of Direct Combination in a Ubiquitous Environment. BCS HCI 2004: 229-248
15EESimon Holland, Robert Day, Grégory Leplâtre, Alistair D. N. Edwards: Mobile HCI and Sound. Mobile HCI 2004: 527-528
14EESimon Holland: Reflective composition: the declarative composition of roles to unify objects, roles, and aspects. OOPSLA Companion 2004: 224-225
13EESimon Holland, David R. Morse, Henrik Gedenryd: Direct Combination: A New User Interaction. Mobile HCI 2002: 108-122
12EESimon Holland, David R. Morse, Henrik Gedenryd: AudioGPS: Spatial Audio Navigation with a Minimal Attention Interface. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 6(4): 253-259 (2002)
11 Simon Holland: Artificial Intelligence in Music Education: A Critical Review. Readings in Music and Artificial Intelligence 2000: 239-274
10EESimon Holland, Daniel Oppenheim: Direct Combination. CHI 1999: 262-269
9EEMark Woodman, Robert Griffiths, Malcolm Macgregor, Simon Holland: OU LearningWorks: A Customized Programming Environment for Smalltalk Modules. ICSE 1999: 638-641
8EEMark Woodman, Robert Griffiths, Malcolm Macgregor, Simon Holland, Hugh Robinson: Exploiting Smalltalk Modules in a Customizable Programming Environment. ICSE 1999: 65-74
7EEMark Woodman, Robert Griffiths, Simon Holland, Hugh Robinson, Malcolm Macgregor: Employing Object Technology to Expose Fundamental Object Concepts. TOOLS (29) 1999: 371-383
6EERobert Griffiths, Mark Woodman, Simon Holland, Malcolm Macgregor, Hugh Robinson: Separable UI Architectures in Teaching Object Technology. TOOLS (30) 1999: 290-299
5EESimon Holland, Robert Griffiths, Mark Woodman: Avoiding object misconceptions. SIGCSE 1997: 131-134
4EEMark Woodman, Robert Griffiths, Simon Holland, Andrew Law: The object shop - Using CD-ROM multimedia to introduce object concepts. SIGCSE 1997: 345-349
3EEMark Woodman, Gordon Davies, Simon Holland: The joy of software - starting with objects. SIGCSE 1996: 88-92
2 Simon Holland: Learning About Harmony with Harmony Space: An Overview. Music Education: An Artificial Intelligence Approach 1993: 24-40
1 Matt Smith, Simon Holland: MOTIVE: The Development of an AI Tool for Beginning Melody Composers. Music Education: An Artificial Intelligence Approach 1993: 41-55

Coauthor Index

1Jon Bird [18]
2Andy Clark [18]
3Nick Sheep Dalton [18]
4Gordon Davies [3]
5Robert Day [15]
6Alistair D. N. Edwards [15]
7Henrik Gedenryd [12] [13]
8Robert Griffiths [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
9Patrick Hill [17]
10Robin C. Laney [17]
11Andrew Law [4]
12Grégory Leplâtre [15]
13Malcolm Macgregor [6] [7] [8] [9]
14Paul Marshall [18]
15Richard Morris [18]
16David R. Morse [12] [13]
17Daniel Oppenheim [10]
18Nadia Pantidi [18]
19Hugh Robinson [6] [7] [8]
20Yvonne Rogers [18]
21Matt Smith [1]
22Mark Woodman [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)