
S. Simon Wong

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4EEFrank O'Mahony, C. Patrick Yue, Mark Horowitz, S. Simon Wong: Design of a 10GHz clock distribution network using coupled standing-wave oscillators. DAC 2003: 682-687
3EES. Simon Wong, C. Patrick Yue, Richard Chang, So-Young Kim, Bendik Kleveland, Frank O'Mahony: On-Chip Interconnect Inductance - Friend or Foe (Invited). ISQED 2003: 389-394
2EESoyoung Kim, Yehia Massoud, S. Simon Wong: On the Accuracy of Return Path Assumption for Loop Inductance Extraction for 0.1?m Technology and Beyond. ISQED 2003: 401-404
1EEC. Patrick Yue, S. Simon Wong: Design Strategy of On-Chip Inductors for Highly Integrated RF Systems. DAC 1999: 982-987

Coauthor Index

1Richard Chang [3]
2Mark Horowitz [4]
3So-Young Kim [3]
4Soyoung Kim [2]
5Bendik Kleveland [3]
6Yehia Massoud [2]
7Frank O'Mahony [3] [4]
8C. Patrick Yue [1] [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)