
Jae Hong Lee

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26EEJinsu Kim, Jae Hong Lee: Opportunistic Cooperation Based on Delayed Retransmissions for a Multi-User Uplink System. VTC Fall 2008: 1-4
25EEHarin Jeong, Jae Hong Lee: Adaptive Relay Selection for Regenerative OFDMA Relay Networks with Fairness Constraints. VTC Fall 2008: 1-5
24EEYu Wang, Dongwoo Lee, Jae Hong Lee: Adaptive Selection Cooperation Scheme using Prediction-Based Decision in Ad-Hoc Networks. VTC Fall 2008: 1-5
23EEChulhee Jang, Hyunwoo Choi, Jae Hong Lee: Novel Detection Algorithm of IDMA System under Channel Estimation Error. VTC Fall 2008: 1-5
22EEDongwoo Lee, Young Seok Jung, Jae Hong Lee, Byung Jang Jeong, Taegyun Noh: Cooperative Coding using Cyclic Delay for Multiuser OFDM Systems. VTC Spring 2008: 574-578
21EESeung Hee Han, John M. Cioffi, Jae Hong Lee: On the Use of Hexagonal Constellation for Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Reduction of an ODFM Signal. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(3): 781-786 (2008)
20EEHyunwoo Choi, Jae Hong Lee: Cooperative ARQ with Phase Pre-Compensation. VTC Fall 2007: 215-219
19EEDongwoo Lee, Jae Hong Lee: Adaptive Amplify-and-Forward Cooperative Diversity using Phase Feedback. VTC Spring 2007: 1633-1637
18EEJung Min Choi, Hyojin Lee, Hyun Kyu Chung, Jae Hong Lee: Sounding Method for Proportional Fair Scheduling in OFDMA/FDD Uplink. VTC Spring 2007: 2732-2735
17EEDonghun Yu, Jae Hong Lee: A Robust Detection Scheme of Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes over Very Fast Fading Channels. IEICE Transactions 90-B(1): 171-175 (2007)
16EEDongwoo Lee, Young Seok Jung, Jae Hong Lee: Amplify-and-Forward Cooperative Transmission with Multiple Relays Using Phase Feedback. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
15EESeung Duk Choi, Jung Min Choi, Jae Hong Lee: An Initial Timing Offset Estimation Method for OFDM Systems in Rayleigh Fading Channel. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
14EEHye Mi Park, Jae Hong Lee: Estimation of Time-Variant Channels for OFDM Systems Using Kalman and Wiener Filters. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
13EEJung Min Choi, Jae Hong Lee: Performance of Interleaved OFDMA Uplink with ICI Self-Canceling Over Doubly Dispersive Channels. VTC Fall 2006: 1-6
12EEDonghun Yu, Jae Hong Lee: A QR-Based Detection Scheme of Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes for Very Fast Fading Channels. VTC Spring 2006: 1497-1500
11EEYoung Seok Jung, Jae Hong Lee: Partner Assignment Algorithm for Cooperative Diversity in Mobile Communication Systems. VTC Spring 2006: 1610-1614
10EEHyundong Shin, Moe Z. Win, Jae Hong Lee: Saddlepoint approximation to the outage capacity of MIMO channels. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5(10): 2679-2684 (2006)
9EEHyundong Shin, Moe Z. Win, Jae Hong Lee, Marco Chiani: On the capacity of doubly correlated MIMO channels. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5(8): 2253-2265 (2006)
8EEYoung Seok Jung, Jae Hong Lee: A New Participation Strategy for Cooperative Diversity with Multiple Partners. IEICE Transactions 89-B(11): 3152-3155 (2006)
7EEYang Chan Cho, Seung Hee Han, Jae Hong Lee: Selected Mapping Technique with Magnitude Extension for PAPR Reduction of an OFDM Signal. IEICE Transactions 89-B(3): 995-998 (2006)
6EEHyundong Shin, Moe Z. Win, Jae Hong Lee, Marco Chiani: On the Capacity of Doubly Correlated MIMO Channels CoRR abs/cs/0509075: (2005)
5EEYoung Seok Jung, Jae Hong Lee: Improvement of Diagonally Weighted Space-Time Trellis Codes with Two Transmit Antennas by Using Unitary Rotation. IEICE Transactions 88-B(9): 3794-3797 (2005)
4EESungwoo Park, Hyundong Shin, Jae Hong Lee: Capacity statistics and scheduling gain for MIMO systems in correlated Rayleigh fading. VTC Fall (2) 2004: 1508-1512
3EEHyundong Shin, Jae Hong Lee: On the error probability of binary and M-ary signals in Nakagami-m fading channels. IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(4): 536-539 (2004)
2EEJin Sam Kwak, Jae Hong Lee: Infrared transmission for intervehicle ranging and vehicle-to-roadside communication systems using spread-spectrum technique. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 5(1): 12-19 (2004)
1 Hyundong Shin, Jae Hong Lee: Capacity of multiple-antenna fading channels: spatial fading correlation, double scattering, and keyhole. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49(10): 2636-2647 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Marco Chiani [6] [9]
2Yang Chan Cho [7]
3Hyunwoo Choi [20] [23]
4Jung Min Choi [13] [15] [18]
5Seung Duk Choi [15]
6Hyun Kyu Chung [18]
7John M. Cioffi [21]
8Seung Hee Han [7] [21]
9Chulhee Jang [23]
10Byung Jang Jeong [22]
11Harin Jeong [25]
12Young Seok Jung [5] [8] [11] [16] [22]
13Jinsu Kim [26]
14Jin Sam Kwak [2]
15Dongwoo Lee [16] [19] [22] [24]
16Hyojin Lee [18]
17Taegyun Noh [22]
18Hye Mi Park [14]
19Sungwoo Park [4]
20Hyundong Shin [1] [3] [4] [6] [9] [10]
21Yu Wang [24]
22Moe Z. Win [6] [9] [10]
23Donghun Yu [12] [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)