
Henk Wymeersch

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13EEKampol Woradit, Tony Q. S. Quek, Watcharapan Suwansantisuk, Henk Wymeersch, Lunchakorn Wuttisittikulkij, Moe Z. Win: Outage Behavior of Cooperative Diversity with Relay Selection. GLOBECOM 2008: 966-970
12EEHenk Wymeersch, Moe Z. Win: Soft Electrical Equalization for Optical Channels. ICC 2008: 548-552
11EEFaisal M. Kashif, Henk Wymeersch, Moe Z. Win: Monte carlo equalization for nonlinear dispersive satellite channels. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 26(2): 245-255 (2008)
10EEFrederik Simoens, Henk Wymeersch, Marc Moeneclaey: Linear Precoders for Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation on AWGN Channels: Analysis and Design Criteria. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54(1): 87-99 (2008)
9EEMamoun Guenach, Mohamed Marey, Henk Wymeersch, Heidi Steendam, Marc Moeneclaey: Turbo Estimation and Equalization for Asynchronous Uplink MC-CDMA. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(4): 1217-1226 (2008)
8EECédric Herzet, Henk Wymeersch, Frederik Simoens, Marc Moeneclaey, Luc Vandendorpe: MAP-Based Code-Aided Hypothesis Testing. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(8): 2856-2860 (2008)
7EECédric Herzet, Henk Wymeersch, Marc Moeneclaey, Luc Vandendorpe: On Maximum-Likelihood Timing Synchronization. IEEE Transactions on Communications 55(6): 1116-1119 (2007)
6EEMamoun Guenach, Frederik Simoens, Henk Wymeersch, Marc Moeneclaey: Code-aided joint channel and frequency offset estimation for DS-CDMA. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 24(1): 181-189 (2006)
5EEMamoun Guenach, Henk Wymeersch, Heidi Steendam, Marc Moeneclaey: Code-aided ML joint synchronization and channel estimation for downlink MC-CDMA. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 24(6): 1105-1114 (2006)
4EEJustin Dauwels, Henk Wymeersch, Hans-Andrea Loeliger, Marc Moeneclaey: Phase Estimation and Phase Ambiguity Resolution by Message Passing. ICT 2004: 150-155
3EENele Noels, Henk Wymeersch, Heidi Steendam, Marc Moeneclaey: True Cramer-Rao bound for timing recovery from a bandlimited linearly Modulated waveform with unknown carrier phase and frequency. IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(3): 473-483 (2004)
2EEHenk Wymeersch, Marc Moeneclaey: Multi-rate receivers with IF sampling and digital timing correction. Signal Processing 84(11): 2067-2079 (2004)
1EEHenk Wymeersch, Marc Moeneclaey: Code-aided Phase and Timing Ambiguity Resolution for AWGN Channels. SIP 2003: 223-227

Coauthor Index

1Justin Dauwels [4]
2Mamoun Guenach [5] [6] [9]
3Cédric Herzet [7] [8]
4Faisal M. Kashif [11]
5Hans-Andrea Loeliger [4]
6Mohamed Marey [9]
7Marc Moeneclaey [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
8Nele Noels [3]
9Tony Q. S. Quek [13]
10Frederik Simoens [6] [8] [10]
11Heidi Steendam [3] [5] [9]
12Watcharapan Suwansantisuk [13]
13Luc Vandendorpe [7] [8]
14Moe Z. Win [11] [12] [13]
15Kampol Woradit [13]
16Lunchakorn Wuttisittikulkij [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)