
Olle Wijk

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4 Patric Jensfelt, Olle Wijk, David J. Austin, Magnus Andersson: Experiments on Augmenting Condensation for Mobile Robot Localization. ICRA 2000: 2518-2524
3 Patric Jensfelt, David J. Austin, Olle Wijk, Magnus Andersson: Feature Based Condensation for Mobile Robot Localization. ICRA 2000: 2531-2537
2EEOlle Wijk, Henrik I. Christensen: Localization and navigation of a mobile robot using natural point landmarks extracted from sonar data. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 31(1-2): 31-42 (2000)
1 Olle Wijk, Patric Jensfelt, Henrik I. Christensen: Triangulation based Fusion of Ultrasonic Sensor Data. ICRA 1998: 3419-3424

Coauthor Index

1Magnus Andersson [3] [4]
2David J. Austin [3] [4]
3Henrik I. Christensen [1] [2]
4Patric Jensfelt [1] [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)