
Maciej Wielgosz

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4EEMaciej Wielgosz, Ernest Jamro, Kazimierz Wiatr: Accelerating Calculations on the RASC Platform: A Case Study of the Exponential Function. ARC 2009: 306-311
3EEMaciej Wielgosz, Ernest Jamro, Kazimierz Wiatr: Highly efficient structure of 64-bit exponential function implemented in FPGAs. ARC 2008: 272-277
2 Ernest Jamro, Maciej Wielgosz, Kazimierz Wiatr: FPGA Implementation of Strongly Parallel Histogram Equalization. DDECS 2007: 93-98
1EEErnest Jamro, Kazimierz Wiatr, Maciej Wielgosz: FPGA Implementation of 64-bit Exponential Function for HPC. FPL 2007: 718-721

Coauthor Index

1Ernest Jamro [1] [2] [3] [4]
2Kazimierz Wiatr [1] [2] [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)