
Frank-Lothar Krause

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31 Frank-Lothar Krause, Jens Neumann, Ulrike Völlinger: Nodale Volumenmodelle als Grundlage realistischer Deformationssimulationen. SimVis 2005: 409-413
30EEFrank-Lothar Krause, Johann Habakuk Israel, Jens Neumann, Boris Beckmann-Dobrev: A 6-DOF user interface for grasping in VR-based computer aided styling and design. VRST 2005: 110-112
29 Frank-Lothar Krause, Martin Göbel, Alain Roger Biahmou Tchebetchou, Gerold Wesche: A Three-stage Conceptual Design Process Using Virtual Environments. WSCG (Posters) 2004: 85-88
28 Frank-Lothar Krause, Helmut Jansen, Ralf Schultz, H. Gärtner: A Telecooperation Management System for Secure Data Conferencing in Distributed Product Development Processes. PROLAMAT 2001: 164-174
27 Frank-Lothar Krause, Yasmina Bock, Uwe Rothenburg: Integration of Finite Element Methods into Digital Mock-up Environments. SimVis 1999: 303-314
26 Frank-Lothar Krause, J. Lüddemann, Jens Neumann, Uwe Rothenburg: Modellierungsmethoden und Systemgestaltung - DMU für verteilte kooperative Entwicklungsprozesse. CAD 1998: 202-211
25 Frank-Lothar Krause, M. Doblies, C. Raupach: Simulation-Based Analysis and Internet -based Realization of Collaborative Product Development Processes. PROLAMAT 1998: 235-244
24 Frank-Lothar Krause, Yasmina Bock, Stefan Dreher: Design Evaluation of Virtual Clay Models using Selective Laser Sintering. SSM 1998: 201-207
23EEFrank-Lothar Krause, C. Stiel, J. Lüddemann: Processing of CAD-Data - Conversion, Verification and Repair. Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications 1997: 248-254
22 Frank-Lothar Krause, Helmut Jansen, Thomas Kiesewetter: Integration von CAD-Systemen in eine multimediale Breitbandkommunikationsumgebung zur kooperativen Produktentwicklung. CAD 1996: 296-309
21 Frank-Lothar Krause, Helmut Jansen, Thomas Kiesewetter: Cooperative Product Development with heterogeneous CAD systems via EDM and Broadbank Communication Technique. CAD Systems Development 1995: 55-70
20 Frank-Lothar Krause, Helmut Jansen, Nailja Luth: Automatic Recognition of Scanned Technical Drawings. CAIP 1993: 609-613
19 Frank-Lothar Krause, B. Ochs: Potential and Advanced Concurrent Engineering Methods. Manufacturing in the Era of Concurrent Engineering 1992: 15-28
18 Frank-Lothar Krause, B. Ochs: Methods for Shortening of Development Times. PROLAMAT 1992: 49-65
17 Frank-Lothar Krause: Wandel der Entwicklungsziele fuer CAD-Systeme. Rechnerunterstütztes Entwerfen und Konstruieren (CAD) 1992: 1-19
16 Frank-Lothar Krause, Helmut Jansen, M. Timmermann: Handskizzenentwurf - eine neue Möglichkeit zur Gestaltung der Benutzeroberfläche von CAD-Systemen. GI Jahrestagung (1) 1988: 722-742
15 Frank-Lothar Krause, Wolfgang Straßer: Gedanken zur Ausbildung von Informatikern und Ingenieuren. GI Jahrestagung 1984: 268-277
14EEHelmut Jansen, Frank-Lothar Krause: Interpretation of freehand drawings for mechanical design processes. Computers & Graphics 8(4): 351-369 (1984)
13 Günter Spur, Frank-Lothar Krause, W. Turowski: The Capsy Process Planning System. Methods and Tools for Computer Integrated Manufacturing 1983: 100-105
12 Günter Spur, Frank-Lothar Krause, W. Grottke: Planning of Assembly Sequences. Methods and Tools for Computer Integrated Manufacturing 1983: 106-112
11 Günter Spur, Frank-Lothar Krause, W. Turowski: N/C-Technology. Methods and Tools for Computer Integrated Manufacturing 1983: 113-118
10 Günter Spur, Frank-Lothar Krause, W. Turowski: N/C-Programming on the Shop Floor Using Graphical Simulation Techniques. Methods and Tools for Computer Integrated Manufacturing 1983: 119-123
9 Günter Spur, Frank-Lothar Krause, L. Sidarous: Programming of Robots Using Graphical Techniques. Methods and Tools for Computer Integrated Manufacturing 1983: 124-132
8 Günter Spur, Frank-Lothar Krause, W. Grottke: Integrated Aspects of Technological Planning. Methods and Tools for Computer Integrated Manufacturing 1983: 133-137
7 Günter Spur, Frank-Lothar Krause, W. Turowski: Methodology of Process Planning. Methods and Tools for Computer Integrated Manufacturing 1983: 53-59
6 Günter Spur, Frank-Lothar Krause, L. Sidarous: Development of APT and EXAPT. Methods and Tools for Computer Integrated Manufacturing 1983: 60-67
5 Günter Spur, Frank-Lothar Krause, H.-M. Anger: Working Techniques of Computer-Aided Process Planning. Methods and Tools for Computer Integrated Manufacturing 1983: 68-78
4 Günter Spur, Frank-Lothar Krause, W. Grottke: Graphical Simulation of Manufacturing Processes in Process Planning. Methods and Tools for Computer Integrated Manufacturing 1983: 79-84
3 Günter Spur, Frank-Lothar Krause, H.-M. Anger: Systems for Computer Aided Process Planning Including Quality Control. Methods and Tools for Computer Integrated Manufacturing 1983: 85-99
2EEGünter Spur, Frank-Lothar Krause, H. Hoffmann: Baustein GEOMETRIE. Computers & Graphics 7(2): 199-201 (1983)
1 Günter Spur, Frank-Lothar Krause, H. Hoffmann: Systemarchitektur und Leistungsspektrum des Bausteins GEOMETRIE. Geometrisches Modellieren 1982: 237-253

Coauthor Index

1H.-M. Anger [3] [5]
2Boris Beckmann-Dobrev [30]
3Yasmina Bock [24] [27]
4M. Doblies [25]
5Stefan Dreher [24]
6H. Gärtner [28]
7Martin Göbel [29]
8W. Grottke [4] [8] [12]
9H. Hoffmann [1] [2]
10Johann Habakuk Israel [30]
11Helmut Jansen [14] [16] [20] [21] [22] [28]
12Thomas Kiesewetter [21] [22]
13J. Lüddemann [23] [26]
14Nailja Luth [20]
15Jens Neumann [26] [30] [31]
16B. Ochs [18] [19]
17C. Raupach [25]
18Uwe Rothenburg [26] [27]
19Ralf Schultz [28]
20L. Sidarous [6] [9]
21Günter Spur [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
22C. Stiel [23]
23Wolfgang Straßer [15]
24Alain Roger Biahmou Tchebetchou [29]
25M. Timmermann [16]
26W. Turowski [7] [10] [11] [13]
27Ulrike Völlinger [31]
28Gerold Wesche [29]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)