
Matthias Werner

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15EEMatthias Werner, Michael A. Jaeger, Helge Parzyjegla: An Application of the (max, +) Algebra to Information Flow Security. ICN 2008: 262-266
14EEMichael A. Jaeger, Gero Mühl, Matthias Werner, Helge Parzyjegla: Reconfiguring Self-stabilizing Publish/Subscribe Systems. DSOM 2006: 233-238
13EEMatthias Werner, Gero Mühl: A State Equation for Petri Nets with Delaying Places. ECBS 2006: 501-502
12EEMatthias Werner, Gero Mühl: Non-reachability in Petri Nets with Delaying Places. MASCOTS 2006: 401-412
11 Klaus Herrmann, Matthias Werner, Gero Mühl: A Methodology for Classifying Self-Organizing Software Systems. ITSSA 2(1): 41-50 (2006)
10EELouchka Popova-Zeugmann, Matthias Werner: Extreme Runtimes of Schedules Modelled by Time Petri Nets. Fundam. Inform. 67(1-3): 163-174 (2005)
9EEMatthias Werner, Louchka Popova-Zeugmann, Jan Richling: A Method to Prove Non-Reachability in Priority Duration Petri Nets. Fundam. Inform. 61(3-4): 351-368 (2004)
8EELouchka Popova-Zeugmann, Matthias Werner, Jan Richling: Using State Equation to Prove Non-Reachability in Timed Petrinets. Fundam. Inform. 55(2): 187-202 (2003)
7 Jan Richling, Matthias Werner, Louchka Popova-Zeugmann: Automatic Composition of Timed Petrinet Specifications for a Real-Time Architecture. ICRA 2002: 4065-4070
6 Jan Richling, Louchka Popova-Zeugmann, Matthias Werner: Verification of Non-functional Properties of a Composable Architecture with Petrinets. Fundam. Inform. 51(1-2): 185-200 (2002)
5EEMatthias Werner, Helmut Myritz, Uwe Düffert, Martin Lötzsch, Hans-Dieter Burkhard: Humboldt Heroes. RoboCup 2000: 651-654
4 Hans-Dieter Burkhard, Matthias Werner, Michael Ritzschke, Frank Winkler, Jan Wendler, Andrej Georgi, Uwe Düffert, Helmut Myritz: Humboldt Hereos in RoboCup-99. RoboCup 1999: 770-773
3EEHolger Karl, Matthias Werner, Lars Küttner: An Experimental Investigation of Message Latencies in the Totem Protocol in the Presence of Faults. EUROMICRO 1998: 10468-10475
2 Holger Karl, Matthias Werner, Lars Küttner: Experimental investigation of message latencies in the Totem protocol in the Presence of faults. IEE Proceedings - Software 145(6): 219-227 (1998)
1 Andreas Polze, Gerhard Fohler, Matthias Werner: Predictable Network Computing. ICDCS 1997: 0-

Coauthor Index

1Hans-Dieter Burkhard [4] [5]
2Uwe Düffert [4] [5]
3Gerhard Fohler [1]
4Andrej Georgi [4]
5Klaus Herrmann [11]
6Michael A. Jaeger [14] [15]
7Holger Karl [2] [3]
8Lars Küttner [2] [3]
9Martin Lötzsch [5]
10Gero Mühl [11] [12] [13] [14]
11Helmut Myritz [4] [5]
12Helge Parzyjegla [14] [15]
13Andreas Polze [1]
14Louchka Popova-Zeugmann [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
15Jan Richling [6] [7] [8] [9]
16Michael Ritzschke [4]
17Jan Wendler [4]
18Frank Winkler [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)