
Alfred Strey

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12EERubing Duan, Alfred Strey: Data Mining Algorithms on the Cell Broadband Engine. Euro-Par 2008: 665-675
11EEJürgen Kadidlo, Alfred Strey: Exploiting Data- and Thread-Level Parallelism for Image Correlation. PDP 2008: 407-413
10 Alfred Strey: A comparison of OpenMP and MPI for neural network simulations on a SunFire 6800. PARCO 2003: 201-208
9EEAlfred Strey: On the suitability of SIMD extensions for neural network simulation. Microprocessors and Microsystems 27(7): 341-351 (2003)
8EEAlfred Strey, Martin Bange: Performance Analysis of Intel's MMX and SSE: A Case Study. Euro-Par 2001: 142-147
7EEAlfred Strey, Martin Bange: Accelerating RBF Network Simulation by Using Multimedia Extensions of Modern Microprocessors. ICANN 2001: 164-169
6 Alfred Strey: A Unified Model for the Simulation of Artificial and Biology-Oriented Neural Networks. IWANN (2) 1999: 1-10
5 Alfred Strey, Bernd Bunk: Neurocomputer Programming Using EpsiloNN. NC 1998: 657-663
4 Alfred Strey: EpsiloNN - A Specification Language for the Efficient Parallel Simulation of Neural Networks. IWANN 1997: 714-722
3 Alfred Strey, Narcís Avellana: A New Concept for Parallel Neurocomputer Architectures. Euro-Par, Vol. II 1996: 470-477
2EEAlfred Strey, Narcís Avellana, Raul Holgado, Ramon Capillas, J. Alberto Fernández, Elena Valderrama: A Configurable Parallel Neurocomputer. ANNES 1995: 55-58
1 Alfred Strey, Narcís Avellana, Raul Holgado, J. Alberto Fernández, Ramon Capillas, Elena Valderrama: A Massively Parallel Neurocomputer with a Reconfigurable Arithmetical Unit. IWANN 1995: 800-806

Coauthor Index

1Narcís Avellana [1] [2] [3]
2Martin Bange [7] [8]
3Bernd Bunk [5]
4Ramon Capillas [1] [2]
5Rubing Duan [12]
6J. Alberto Fernández [1] [2]
7Raul Holgado [1] [2]
8Jürgen Kadidlo [11]
9Elena Valderrama [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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