
German Rigau

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32EERubén Izquierdo, Armando Suárez, German Rigau: An Empirical Study on Class-Based Word Sense Disambiguation. EACL 2009: 389-397
31EEEneko Agirre, Oier Lopez de Lacalle, Bernardo Magnini, Arantxa Otegi, German Rigau, Piek Vossen: SemEval-2007 Task 01: Evaluating WSD on Cross-Language Information Retrieval. CLEF 2007: 908-917
30EEAndrés Montoyo, Armando Suárez, German Rigau, Manuel Palomar: Combining Knowledge- and Corpus-based Word-Sense-Disambiguation Methods. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 23: 299-330 (2005)
29 Sonia Vázquez, Andrés Montoyo, German Rigau: Using Relevant Domains Resource for Word Sense Disambiguation. IC-AI 2004: 784-789
28EEAntoni Tuells, German Rigau, Horacio Rodríguez: Offline Compilation of Chains for Head-Driven Generation with Constraint-Based Grammars. CICLing 2003: 180-190
27EEAndrés Montoyo, Manuel Palomar, German Rigau: Interface for WordNet Enrichment with Classification Systems. DEXA 2001: 122-130
26 Andrés Montoyo, Manuel Palomar, German Rigau: Lexical Enrichment of WordNet with Classification Systems Using Specification Marks Method. NLDB 2001: 109-119
25EEAndrés Montoyo, Manuel Palomar, German Rigau: Method for WordNet Enrichment Using WSD. TSD 2001: 180-186
24EEJordi Daudé, Lluís Padró, German Rigau: A Complete WordNet1.5 to WordNet1.6 Mapping CoRR cs.CL/0105005: (2001)
23EEJordi Atserias, Lluís Padró, German Rigau: Integrating Multiple Knowledge Sources for Robust Semantic Parsing CoRR cs.CL/0109023: (2001)
22EEJordi Daudé, Lluís Padró, German Rigau: Mapping WordNets Using Structural Information. ACL 2000
21 Gerard Escudero, Lluís Màrquez, German Rigau: Naive Bayes and Exemplar-based Approaches to Word Sense Disambiguation Revisited. ECAI 2000: 421-425
20EEGerard Escudero, Lluís Màrquez, German Rigau: Boosting Applied toe Word Sense Disambiguation. ECML 2000: 129-141
19EEJordi Atserias, Irene Castellón, Montse Civit, German Rigau: Using a Diathesis Model for Semantic Parsing CoRR cs.CL/0006041: (2000)
18EEJordi Atserias, Irene Castellón, Montse Civit, German Rigau: Semantic Parsing based on Verbal Subcategorization CoRR cs.CL/0006042: (2000)
17EEGerard Escudero, Lluís Màrquez, German Rigau: Boosting Applied to Word Sense Disambiguation CoRR cs.CL/0007010: (2000)
16EEGerard Escudero, Lluís Màrquez, German Rigau: Naive Bayes and Exemplar-Based approaches to Word Sense Disambiguation Revisited CoRR cs.CL/0007011: (2000)
15EEJordi Daudé, Lluís Padró, German Rigau: Mapping WordNets Using Structural Information CoRR cs.CL/0007035: (2000)
14EEGerard Escudero, Lluís Màrquez, German Rigau: A Comparison between Supervised Learning Algorithms for Word Sense Disambiguation CoRR cs.CL/0009022: (2000)
13EEJordi Daudé, Lluís Padró, German Rigau: Mapping Multilingual Hierarchies Using Relaxation Labeling CoRR cs.CL/9906025: (1999)
12 German Rigau, Eneko Agirre: Building Accurate Semantic Taxonomies from Monolingual MRDs. COLING-ACL 1998: 1103-1109
11EELaura Benitez, Sergi Cervell, Gerard Escudero, Monica Lopez, German Rigau, Mariona Taulé: Methods and Tools for Building the Catalan WordNet CoRR cmp-lg/9806009: (1998)
10EEGerman Rigau, Horacio Rodríguez, Eneko Agirre: Building Accurate Semantic Taxonomies from Monolingual MRDs CoRR cmp-lg/9806015: (1998)
9EEXavier Farreres, German Rigau, Horacio Rodríguez: Using WordNet for Building WordNets CoRR cmp-lg/9806016: (1998)
8 German Rigau, Jordi Atserias, Eneko Agirre: Combining Unsupervised Lexical Knowledge Methods for Word Sense Disambiguation. ACL 1997: 48-55
7EEGerman Rigau, Jordi Atserias, Eneko Agirre: Combining Unsupervised Lexical Knowledge Methods for Word Sense Disambiguation CoRR cmp-lg/9704007: (1997)
6EEJordi Atserias, Salvador Climent, Xavier Farreres, German Rigau, Horacio Rodríguez: Combining Multiple Methods for the Automatic Construction of Multilingual WordNets CoRR cmp-lg/9709003: (1997)
5EEEneko Agirre, German Rigau: Word Sense Disambiguation using Conceptual Density. COLING 1996: 16-22
4EEEneko Agirre, German Rigau: Word Sense Disambiguation using Conceptual Density CoRR cmp-lg/9606007: (1996)
3EEAlicia Ageno, Francesc Ribas, German Rigau, Horacio Rodríguez, Anna Samiotou: TGE: Tlinks Generation Environment. COLING 1994: 324-328
2EEAnn Gopestake, Ted Briscoe, Piek Vossen, Alicia Ageno, Irene Castellón, Francesc Ribas, German Rigau, Horacio Rodríguez, Anna Samiotou: Acquisition of lexical translation relations from MRDS. Machine Translation 9(3-4): 183-219 (1994)
1EEAlicia Ageno, Irene Castellón, Maria Antònia Martí, German Rigau, Francesc Ribas Framis, Horacio Rodríguez, Mariona Taulé, Felisa Verdejo: SEISD: An environment for extraction of Semantic Information from on-line dictionaries. ANLP 1992: 253-254

Coauthor Index

1Alicia Ageno [1] [2] [3]
2Eneko Agirre [4] [5] [7] [8] [10] [12] [31]
3Jordi Atserias [6] [7] [8] [18] [19] [23]
4Laura Benitez [11]
5Ted Briscoe [2]
6Irene Castellón [1] [2] [18] [19]
7Sergi Cervell [11]
8Montse Civit [18] [19]
9Salvador Climent [6]
10Jordi Daudé [13] [15] [22] [24]
11Gerard Escudero [11] [14] [16] [17] [20] [21]
12Xavier Farreres [6] [9]
13Francesc Ribas Framis [1]
14Ann Gopestake [2]
15Rubén Izquierdo [32]
16Oier Lopez de Lacalle [31]
17Monica Lopez [11]
18Bernardo Magnini [31]
19Lluís Màrquez [14] [16] [17] [20] [21]
20Maria Antònia Martí [1]
21Andrés Montoyo [25] [26] [27] [29] [30]
22Arantxa Otegi [31]
23Lluís Padró [13] [15] [22] [23] [24]
24Manuel Palomar [25] [26] [27] [30]
25Francesc Ribas [2] [3]
26Horacio Rodríguez [1] [2] [3] [6] [9] [10] [28]
27Anna Samiotou [2] [3]
28Armando Suárez [30] [32]
29Mariona Taulé [1] [11]
30Antoni Tuells [28]
31Sonia Vázquez [29]
32M. Felisa Verdejo (María Felisa Verdejo Maillo, Felisa Verdejo) [1]
33Piek T. J. M. Vossen (Piek Vossen) [2] [31]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)