
Fernando Llopis

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36EEMiguel Llopis, Fernando Llopis: .Net e-Learning Platform. ICALT 2008: 664-665
35EEElisa Noguera, Fernando Llopis, Antonio Ferrández, Alberto Escapa: Evaluation of Open-Domain Question Answering Systems within a Time Constraint. AINA Workshops (1) 2007: 260-265
34EEElisa Noguera, Fernando Llopis: Applying Query Expansion Techniques to Ad Hoc Monolingual Tasks with the IR-n System. CLEF 2007: 45-48
33EESergio Navarro, Fernando Llopis, Rafael Muñoz Guillena, Elisa Noguera: Analysing an Approach to Information Retrieval of Visual Descriptions with IR-n, a System Based on Passages. CLEF 2007: 522-529
32EEMaria Pardino, Rafael M. Terol, Patricio Martínez-Barco, Fernando Llopis, Elisa Noguera: Using IR-n for Information Retrieval of Genomics Track. TREC 2007
31EEElisa Noguera, Fernando Llopis, Antonio Ferrández, Alberto Escapa: New Measures for Open-Domain Question Answering Evaluation Within a Time Constraint. TSD 2007: 540-547
30EESergio Ferrández, P. López-Moreno, Sandra Roger, Antonio Ferrández, Jesús Peral, X. Alvarado, Elisa Noguera, Fernando Llopis: Monolingual and Cross-Lingual QA Using AliQAn and BRILI Systems for CLEF 2006. CLEF 2006: 450-453
29EEElisa Noguera, Fernando Llopis: Passage Retrieval vs. Document Retrieval in the CLEF 2006 Ad Hoc Monolingual Tasks with the IR-n System. CLEF 2006: 62-65
28EEElisa Noguera, Fernando Llopis, Antonio Ferrández: Passage Filtering for Open-Domain Question Answering. FinTAL 2006: 534-540
27EEFernando Llopis, Elisa Noguera: Combining Passages in the Monolingual Task with the IR-n System. CLEF 2005: 204-207
26EEBorja Navarro, Lorenza Moreno-Monteagudo, Elisa Noguera, Sonia Vázquez, Fernando Llopis, Andrés Montoyo: "How Much Context Do You Need?": An Experiment About the Context Size in Interactive Cross-Language Question Answering. CLEF 2005: 273-282
25EESandra Roger, Sergio Ferrández, Antonio Ferrández, Jesús Peral, Fernando Llopis, A. Aguilar, David Tomás: AliQAn, Spanish QA System at CLEF-2005. CLEF 2005: 457-466
24EERafael M. Terol, Manuel Palomar, Patricio Martínez-Barco, Fernando Llopis, Rafael Muñoz, Elisa Noguera: The University of Alicante at CL-SR Track. CLEF 2005: 769-772
23EEElisa Noguera, Fernando Llopis, Rafael Muñoz, Rafael M. Terol, Miguel Angel García Cumbreras, Fernando Martínez Santiago, Arturo Montejo Ráez: Bilingual and Multilingual Experiments with the IR-n System. CLEF 2005: 79-82
22EETrinitario Martínez, Elisa Noguera, Rafael Muñoz, Fernando Llopis: University of Alicante at the CLEF 2005 WebCLEF Track. CLEF 2005: 865-868
21EEÓscar Ferrández, Zornitsa Kozareva, Antonio Toral, Elisa Noguera, Andrés Montoyo, Rafael Muñoz, Fernando Llopis: University of Alicante at GeoCLEF 2005. CLEF 2005: 924-927
20EEAntonio Toral, Elisa Noguera, Fernando Llopis, Rafael Muñoz: Improving Question Answering Using Named Entity Recognition. NLDB 2005: 181-191
19EERafael M. Terol, Patricio Martínez-Barco, Fernando Llopis, Trinitario Martínez: An Application of NLP Rules to Spoken Document Segmentation Task. NLDB 2005: 376-379
18EEElisa Noguera, Antonio Toral, Fernando Llopis, Rafael Muñoz: Reducing Question Answering Input Data Using Named Entity Recognition. TSD 2005: 428-434
17EEBorja Navarro, Lorenza Moreno, Sonia Vázquez, Fernando Llopis, Andrés Montoyo, Miguel Angel Varó: Improving Interaction with the User in Cross-Language Question Answering Through Relevant Domains and Syntactic Semantic Patterns. CLEF 2004: 334-342
16EEJosé Luis Vicedo González, Maximiliano Saiz-Noeda, Rubén Izquierdo, Fernando Llopis: Does English Help Question Answering in Spanish?. CLEF 2004: 552-556
15EEEstela Saquete, José Luis Vicedo González, Patricio Martínez-Barco, Rafael Muñoz, Fernando Llopis: Evaluation of Complex Temporal Questions in CLEF-QA. CLEF 2004: 591-596
14EEFernando Llopis, Rafael Muñoz, Rafael M. Terol, Elisa Noguera: IR-n r2: Using Normalized Passages. CLEF 2004: 90-99
13EEFernando Llopis, Héctor García Puigcerver, Mariano Cano, Antonio Toral, Héctor Espí: IR-n System, a Passage Retrieval Architecture. TSD 2004: 57-64
12EEFernando Llopis, Rafael Muñoz: Cross-Language Experiments with the IR-n System. CLEF 2003: 122-132
11EEBorja Navarro, Fernando Llopis, Miguel Angel Varó: Comparing Syntactic-Semantic Patterns and Passages in Interactive Cross Language Information Access (iCLEF at University of Alicante). CLEF 2003: 462-467
10EEJosé Luis Vicedo González, Rubén Izquierdo, Fernando Llopis, Rafael Muñoz: Question Answering in Spanish. CLEF 2003: 541-548
9EEFernando Llopis, Patricio Martínez-Barco: Spoken Document Retrieval Experiments with IR-n System. CLEF 2003: 664-671
8EEFernando Llopis, Antonio Ferrández Rodríguez, José Luis Vicedo González: Text Segmentation for Efficient Information Retrieval. CICLing 2002: 373-380
7EEFernando Llopis, José Luis Vicedo González, Antonio Ferrández: IR-n System at CLEF-2002. CLEF 2002: 291-300
6EEFernando Llopis, José Luis Vicedo González, Antonio Ferrández, Manuel C. Díaz, Fernando Martínez Santiago: Universities of Alicante and Jaen at iCLEF. CLEF 2002: 392-399
5EEFernando Llopis, José Luis Vicedo González, Antonio Ferrández Rodríguez: Using a Passage Retrieval System to Support Question Answering Process. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2002: 61-69
4EEFernando Llopis, Antonio Ferrández Rodríguez, José Luis Vicedo González: Using Long Queries in a Passage Retrieval System. MICAI 2002: 185-193
3EEJosé Luis Vicedo González, Fernando Llopis, Antonio Ferrández Rodríguez: University of Alicante Experiments at TREC 2002. TREC 2002
2EEFernando Llopis, José Luis Vicedo González: IR-n: A Passage Retrieval System at CLEF-2001. CLEF 2001: 244-252
1EEJosé Luis Vicedo González, Antonio Ferrández Rodríguez, Fernando Llopis: University of Alicante at TREC-10. TREC 2001

Coauthor Index

1A. Aguilar [25]
2X. Alvarado [30]
3Estela Saquete Boró (Estela Saquete) [15]
4Mariano Cano [13]
5Miguel Angel García Cumbreras [23]
6Manuel C. Díaz [6]
7Alberto Escapa [31] [35]
8Héctor Espí [13]
9Óscar Ferrández [21]
10Sergio Ferrández [25] [30]
11José Luis Vicedo González [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [15] [16]
12Rubén Izquierdo [10] [16]
13Zornitsa Kozareva [21]
14Miguel Llopis [36]
15P. López-Moreno [30]
16Trinitario Martínez [19] [22]
17Patricio Martínez-Barco [9] [15] [19] [24] [32]
18Andrés Montoyo [17] [21] [26]
19Lorenza Moreno [17]
20Lorenza Moreno-Monteagudo [26]
21Rafael Muñoz (Rafael Muñoz Guillena) [10] [12] [14] [15] [18] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [33]
22Borja Navarro [11] [17] [26]
23Sergio Navarro [33]
24Elisa Noguera [14] [18] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35]
25Manuel Palomar [24]
26Maria Pardino [32]
27Jesús Peral [25] [30]
28Héctor García Puigcerver [13]
29Arturo Montejo Ráez [23]
30Antonio Ferrández Rodríguez (Antonio Ferrández) [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [25] [28] [30] [31] [35]
31Sandra Roger [25] [30]
32Maximiliano Saiz-Noeda [16]
33Fernando Martínez Santiago [6] [23]
34Rafael M. Terol [14] [19] [23] [24] [32]
35David Tomás [25]
36Antonio Toral [13] [18] [20] [21]
37Miguel Angel Varó [11] [17]
38Sonia Vázquez [17] [26]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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