
Péter Hajnal

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13EEJános Barát, Péter Hajnal: The Arc-Width of a Graph. Electr. J. Comb. 8(1): (2001)
12 Elias Dahlhaus, Péter Hajnal, Marek Karpinski: On the Parallel Complexity of Hamiltonian Cycle and Matching Problem on Dense Graphs. J. Algorithms 15(3): 367-384 (1993)
11 Péter Hajnal, Mario Szegedy: On packing bipartite graphs. Combinatorica 12(3): 295-301 (1992)
10EEZoltán Füredi, Péter Hajnal: Davenport-Schinzel theory of matrices. Discrete Mathematics 103(3): 233-251 (1992)
9 Péter Hajnal: An Omega(n4/3) lower bound on the randomized complexity of graph properties. Combinatorica 11(2): 131-143 (1991)
8EEHerbert Edelsbrunner, Péter Hajnal: A lower bound on the number of unit distances between the vertices of a convex polygon. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 56(2): 312-316 (1991)
7 Péter Hajnal: On the Power of Randomness in the Decision Tree Model. Structure in Complexity Theory Conference 1990: 66-77
6 Péter Hajnal, Endre Szemerédi: Brooks Coloring in Parallel. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 3(1): 74-80 (1990)
5 Jean-Paul Allouche, Péter Hajnal, Jeffrey Shallit: Analysis of an Infinite Product Algorithm. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 2(1): 1-15 (1989)
4 Elias Dahlhaus, Péter Hajnal, Marek Karpinski: Optimal Parallel Algorithm for the Hamiltonian Cycle Problem on Dense Graphs FOCS 1988: 186-193
3 László Babai, Péter Hajnal, Endre Szemerédi, György Turán: A Lower Bound for Read-Once-Only Branching Programs. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 35(2): 153-162 (1987)
2 Miklós Ajtai, László Babai, Péter Hajnal, János Komlós, Pavel Pudlák, Vojtech Rödl, Endre Szemerédi, György Turán: Two lower bounds for branching programs STOC 1986: 30-38
1 Péter Hajnal: Partition of graphs with condition on the connectivity and minimum degree. Combinatorica 3(1): 95-99 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1Miklós Ajtai [2]
2Jean-Paul Allouche [5]
3László Babai [2] [3]
4János Barát [13]
5Elias Dahlhaus [4] [12]
6Herbert Edelsbrunner [8]
7Zoltán Füredi [10]
8Marek Karpinski [4] [12]
9János Komlós [2]
10Pavel Pudlák [2]
11Vojtech Rödl [2]
12Jeffrey Shallit [5]
13Mario Szegedy [11]
14Endre Szemerédi [2] [3] [6]
15György Turán [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)