
Nobuo Tsuda

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7EENobuo Tsuda: Configurable PC Clusters Using a Hierarchical Complete-Connection-Based Switching Network. PRDC 2002: 153-162
6EENobuo Tsuda: ABL-Tree: A Constant Diameter Interconnection Network for Reconfigurable Processor Arrays Capable of Distributed Communication . DFT 2001: 143-148
5EENobuo Tsuda: Fault-Tolerant Ring- and Toroidal Mesh-Connected Processor Arrays Able to Enhance Emulation of Hypercubes. DFT 2000: 222-230
4EENobuo Tsuda, Tatsuyuki Shimizu: Reconfigurable Mesh-Connected Processor Arrays Using Row-Column Bypassing and Direct Replacement. ISPAN 2000: 24-29
3EENobuo Tsuda: Fault-Tolerant Processor Arrays Using Additional Bypass Linking Allocated by Graph-Node Coloring. IEEE Trans. Computers 49(5): 431-442 (2000)
2EENobuo Tsuda: Fault-Tolerant Hierarchical Interconnection Networks Constructed by Additional Bypass Linking with Graph-Node Coloring. DFT 1997: 227-233
1 Tetsuji Satoh, Hideaki Takeda, Nobuo Tsuda: A Compact Multiway Merge Sorter using Linear-Array Comparators. FODO 1989: 223-227

Coauthor Index

1Tetsuji Satoh [1]
2Tatsuyuki Shimizu [4]
3Hideaki Takeda [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)